The Continental newspapers have been remarkably barren of politi-
L• cal news this week. In France, the Chamber of Deputies has been occupied with a worthy discussion of the proper livery of its members—shall the coats be embroidered,mr,plain ? shall they be black, blue, or brown ? THIERS strongly advocatjd a plain black coat, in what has been called a " revo- . lutionary " speech. The aceounts of military proceedings in Spain show that the war is carried on very languidly. Sometimes the Carlists are in advance ; , Cien they are beaten back. One day ESPARTFRO is represented us full of activity ; the next he is accused of his old failing of sloth. From Madrid the intelligence is of an unvarying tenour : the talk in the Cortes about money. the want of it, and the means of raising it, is incessant. At some recent elections the Ultra Liberals have been successful.