Nine persons were drowned in the reservoir at Hollinwood, near
Oldham, on Wednesday week. They were skating at the time ; and the ice having broken, fourteen were plunged into the water, and only five saved. Three of the nine are married men.
The flue and Cry contains the offer of a reward of 2001. to be paid on the apprehension and conviction of the person who, on the evening of Wednesday week, shot at, and dangerously wounded, Mr. Rumbell, of Lynehipn Court farm, Wilts, as he was returning from Caine market, along the road towards home. Her Majesty's pardon is also promised to any accomplice, not being the person by whom the shot was actually fired, who shall give effectual information. A fire broke out in the Clarendon Printing-house of Oxford on Monday evening; and property worth about 2,0001. was destroyed.