The report of the recall of Lord Elphinstone from Madras,
and of Sir Robert Grant from Bombay, is contradicted by Ministerial papers.
It is confirmed, however, that Sir Andrew Leith Hay is to be the Governor of Bermuda, and that Mr. Fux Maule is canvassing the Elgin Burghs.
Mr. Lynch, Member for Galway, has been appointed to the Master- ship in Chancery, vacant by the death of Mr. Roopell. Mr. Duck- worth was a candidate for the Master-hip; but it is no advantage now- a-days to have been a crony of Lord Brougham. The Honourable Bouverie Primrose, second son of Lord Rose- bery, has been appointed Receiver-General of the Post-office at Edin- burgh. The office became vacant by the retirement of Mr. Young, now in his seventy-sixth year.
Lord Holland is said to be seriously ill. The Bishop of Sodor and Man died on Friday last.