The Compromise Bill to settle the difficulties as to the
Pre- sidential Election, passed the House of Representatives, as we expected, last Friday, and passed by 191 votes against 86,-32 Republicans voting for it, and 68 against it; while 159 Democrats voted for it, and 18 against it. The President on Monday returned the Bill to Congress with his sanction, and a short message con- gratulating the country on a solution which will ensure the acqui- escence of both parties in 'the final decision. On Thursday Congress held a session, the Senate and the House of Repre- sentatives sitting together to count the votes. The votes of Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut, and Delaware were given un- opposed to Mr. Tilden, and those of California and Colorado to Mr. Hayes. But in the alphabetical order Florida then came up ; double returns were presented, and objections made by both parties, whereupon the question was referred to the Commission of Fifteen, which is holding its sittings. All the disputed questions must be decided by Wednesday, the 14th February.