Hippolytus And Ca/hates; Or, The Church Of Rome In The
First Half of the Third C'entwy. By John Ignatius Von Dollinger. Translated, with Introduction, Notes, and Appendices, by Alfred Plummer. (T. and T. Clark.)—Dr. Dollinger's book......
Two Months In Syria In 1875; Or, Reminiscences Of Tent
Life. By C. H. Berners. (Hunt and Co.)—Mr. Berners wrote letters to friends at home describing his journeyings. They did not show a very judicious gratitude when they asked him......
English Scenery Illustrated By Eminent British Artists....
Rev. J. G. Wood. (Virtue and Co.)—This is a handsome volume, the tasteful binding of which suits the contents. Twenty-one steel plates, executed by skilful engravers after......
Geological Survey Of Victoria : Report Of Progress. By R.
Brough Smyth, F.L.S., F.G.S. (Triibner and Co.)—Government reports are not usually very interesting literary productions. Mr. Smyth, however, has managed to write a report which......
Manchester Science Lectures For The People : What The Earth
is Com- posed of By Professor Roscoe. (Macmillan and Co.)—The working- class of Manchester are highly favoured. In the winter months they can go and hear a course of popular......
Tration, Is Examined With A Thoroughness Which Leaves...
be desired. The conclusion at which Mr. Birch arrives—and it has a cer- tain importance, as connected with the antiquity and authority of the Athanasian Creed—is that it cannot......