A Curious Account Of The Meeting Of The Grand Council
called to reject the proposals of Conference has also been published. In it the members, including the heads of the Christian Churches, who are appointed by the Porte, and as......
The Argument In The Ridsdale Appeal Case Has Been Going
on all the week, Dr. Stephens and Mr. Shaw having replied at length to Sir James Stephen and Mr. Arthur Charles, and attempted to show that both "the Injunctions" and "the......
The Compromise Bill To Settle The Difficulties As To The
Pre- sidential Election, passed the House of Representatives, as we expected, last Friday, and passed by 191 votes against 86,-32 Republicans voting for it, and 68 against it;......
News Of The Week
T HE lull in the Eastern Question still continues, broken only by a proposal to Servia and Montenegro to arrange a peace, a proposal which, as we have tried to show elsewhere,......
Mr. Gladstone Made A Most Eloquent Speech On Turkey On
Saturday, at the Taunton Railway Station, where he had been waylaid by a deputation of Taunton electors. He declared that we owed obligations to the Turkish Christians, both on......
• * The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript In
any case.......
The Protocol Or Official Statement Of The Proceedings Of The
formal Conference has at last been published. It does not add much to our knowledge, the most interesting fact being that Safvet Pasha distinctly affirmed that the "Bulgarian......