The adoption of this Bill was accompanied by the resigna-
tions of the Ministers of War and Marine ; and the Premier, M. Eluclerc, who is ill, on learning the facts, resigned also. M. Gr6vy at first sent for M. Jules Ferry, but on his refusing office, appointed M. Fallieres, previously Minister of the Interior, to the Premiership. M. Fallieres faced the Chamber on Tuesday, without Ministers of War or Marine, but in the middle of his speech fainted, and has since been ill. General Thibaudin, however, accepted the Ministry of War, and M. de Maly that of Marine, and on Thursday the debate was finished. All the Right, some Moderates, and thirteen Extremists, headed by M. Anatole de la Forge, resisted proscription in any form ; but the majority called for the cloture, declared the sitting permanent, and after ten hours' voting on amendments, marked by some stirring scenes and the suspension of two Deputies for "insult," the Fabre Bill was carried, by 3t3 to 163, a very large majority. The Chamber then adjourned till next Thursday, to await the decision of the Senate.