3 FEBRUARY 1883, page 2

On Tuesday, Lord Carnarvon Addressed A New Conservative-...

Colchester, in a speech in which he put the old charges. in a very epigrammatic way. The Liberals had done well in Egypt, but in doing it had defied every principle which they......

M. De Giers, The Russian Foreign Secretary, Has Visited...

and has returned to St. Petersburg, pursued, as usual, by volleys of contradictory reports. It is affirmed, on the one hand, that he has consented to the Austrian annexation of......

Mr. Chamberlain Attended On Wednesday A Banquet Given By The

Swansea Liberal Association in honour of Mr. Dillwyn, M.P., and delivered a very amusing speech, in which, claiming for himself the name of Radical, he did full honour to the......

The Bishop Of Manchester Has Been, It Would Seem, Inundated

with memorials thanking him for the course taken at Miles Platting, to several of which he has replied, identifying his action with the cause of law, and that of poor Mr.......

Mr. Chamberlain Evidently Is Not One Of Those Members Of

the Government who are very anxious for an early introdintion of the County Government Bill. He would prefer, he hints, to wait for household franchise in the counties, before......

The Death Of M. Gambetta Has Probably Preserved Mada- Gascar

from a French descent. The French Government has too much to do to think of expeditions, and the " policy of the fireside" will probably be triumphant. We therefore note only as......

The Contest For Haddingtonshire, Vacated By The Succes-...

Lord Elcho to the Earldom of Wemyss, comes off on Monday, and is likely to be a close one. The Tory candidate is Lord Elcho; who, it is hoped, will be aided by the great body of......

Sir Percival Heywood Has, It Is Said, Commenced The Snit

called Quare impedit against the Bishop of Manchester for refusing to institute Mr. Cowgill at Miles Platting. It is stated that, under the Order in Council of 1880, which......

The Daily News Has Complained That The Three Bishoprics...

filled up should all have been conferred on High Churchmen. In point of fact, we should say that not one of them has been conferred on a High Churchman. Dr. Benson has never......