3 FEBRUARY 1883, page 24

Familiar Lectures On The Physiology Of Food And Drink. By

R. J. Mann, M.D. (Ward, Lock, and Co.)—This is an interesting book, which, after our first cursory inspection, we felt inclined to praise highly. Indeed, the greater number of......

Cavalry Life. By J. S. Winter. (chatto And Windus.)—when Mr.

Winter claims to be the true exponent of military life, he probably means that Ouida and her imitators are among the number of those " charming women " who " talk of things they......

Poetry. —the Garden Of Fragrance, Being A Complete...

Bostan of Sddi into English Verse. By J. S. Davie, M.D. (Kegan Paul and Co.)—None bat a good Oriental scholar can judge the whole question as to the value of such a translation......

Alasnam's Lady. By Leslie Keith. (bentley.)—there Is Too...

this novel, and of that too-muchness, talk has an undue share. But the author will do things worth doing, if she cultivates the art of pruning, and is remorseless in its......