3 FEBRUARY 1883, Page 2

The contest for Haddingtonshire, vacated by the succes- sion of

Lord Elcho to the Earldom of Wemyss, comes off on Monday, and is likely to be a close one. The Tory candidate is Lord Elcho; who, it is hoped, will be aided by the great body of his father's tenantry ; and the Liberal candidate is Mr. Finlay, a shrewd lawyer, and sound politi- cian. He would, it is said, win easily, but that he will not pledge himself to Disestablishment, which so irritates some Liberals that they intend to abstain. We can hardly believe that any Scotchman is unintelligent enough to take such a course. It is perfectly certain that the Tories will not disestablish, and any Voluntary who abstains from supporting- a Liberal is helping thereby to maintain the system he detests- We should have thought that in Haddingtonshire, of all places,. the farmers would have longed for household suffrage, to emancipate them from landlord control.