3 FEBRUARY 1883, Page 2

The Daily News has complained that the three Bishoprics recently

filled up should all have been conferred on High Churchmen. In point of fact, we should say that not one of them has been conferred on a High Churchman. Dr. Benson has never been regarded as a High Churchman in any sense in which Dr. Lightfoot is not regarded as a Higb Churchman. Indeed, he is, we believe, claimed by all who know his ante- cedents well as belonging entirely to Bishop Lightfoot's theologi- cal school. The Bishop Elect of Truro (Canon Wilkinson) has never- been regarded as of the High Church party ; and if Archdeacon Lewis is High Church, it is only in the high-and-dry sense, by no means in the sense; of leaning towards Ritualism. What is true, unfortunately, is that the recent appointments have played. into the hands of the Conservatives; Dr. Benson and Archdeacon Lewis at least, being 'jou. strong Conservatives ; so that it is commonly said in Clerical society that while Mr. Gladstone is. Prime Minister, a Liberal High • Churchman has hardly any chance of promotion.