As Mr. Geoffrey Duveen, the Chairman of the Royal Ear
Hospital, has already suggested, the coupon-gift system now so much in vogue ought to be made to help the hospitals. Many people who do not trouble to collect their coupons, not wanting the gifts for themselves, would be quite willing, either to send them to some hospital in which they are interested, or to drop them into a hospital box, such as is provided for " silver paper." In this way it would be possible, throughout the year, for many a hospital badly pressed for funds for necessaries, to furnish its patients without cost with such luxuries as wireless sets, gramophones, cigarettes, and other things which it cannot otherwise provide. While the coupon craze continues I would like to see these boxes outside every hospital. After 'all, why should we lose so excellent an opportunity ?—H. W. BURLEIGII, Hon. Secretary, Western Ophthalmic Hospital, Marylebone Road, N.W. I.