3 JANUARY 1931, page 20

Intercourse With . God [to The Editor Of The Spectator.]...

who believe that Christianity has everything to gain by free and frank discussion of its claims are grateful to the Spectator for the series of articles entitled " The Challenge......

" A Letter From Moscow " [to The Editor Of

the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—Having read with great interest the letter from your Moscow correspondent in your issue of December 20th, I would like to say that I admire your decision to......

The Dangers Of The New Diplomacy

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—I found most provocative the article by Sir Rennet( Rodd entitled " The Dangers of the New Diplomacy," in your issue of December 20th.......

Proportional Representation [to The Editor Of The...

assertion that groups and unstable governments are produced more rapidly under Proportional' Representation than with single member constituencies would be more convincing if......

A Five Year Housing Plan [to The Editor Of The

SPECTATOR.] SIR,—The New Year of 1931 marks a definite stage in the history of municipal housing in this country. For under the last Housing. Act, Local Authorities had to......