3 JANUARY 1931, page 34

Financial Notes

INVESTMENT STOCKS FIRM. Ai:mot:Gil there was less than the usual end-of-the-year optimism in the stock markets this week, the tone on the whole was a little more cheerful than a......

Answers To Questions On Words

1. Newt, nonce, nickname.-2. Auger, apron, umpire, adder- 3. Restive (originally, inert).-4. Bent, from one Banting, who invented the process, 1864.-5. Amen, ally.-6. Double......

Domestic Politics.

- With regard to domestic politics, it is easier perhaps to discern the possibilities of the situation. The position is one which certainly suggests continued unsettlement, at......

Sulphide Corporation.

Thanks to the conservative policy adopted for some years by the Sulphide Corporation, the directors are now able to produce a sound balance-sheet, albeit the net profit for the......

International Influences.

It is along this line of reasoning that we can, perhaps, best get an inkling of the likely course of money rates (hiring the present year. Here I think the principal keys to the......

Outlook For Securities.

At the end of last year the Federal Reserve Bank in New York reduced its Official Discount rate from 21 to 2 per cent., and the Clearing Banks in that city brought down n :......