The editor, Mr. Gerald F. Sayers, and the Tanganyika Government
are to be congratulated on the, publication of The Handbook of Tanganyika (Macmillan, -10s.). This is a volume of over 600 pages, well illustrated and more than usually well provided with maps. Although, according-to the preface, it is not to be regarded as an • official publication, it gives an excellent summary of all Governmental activities, and will prove invaluable to the official and the non-official resident and tourist for the information which it contains on every conceivable topic. It is well edited and indexed, but it seems a pity that the ethnography of this vast territory should have been restricted to eleven pages, with the result that controversial subjects have often to be dismissed under cover of a categorical assertion. The historical section is admirable, though it is open to question whether the Zimba were really a section of the Zulu people. Reference might also have been made, when considering the causes of the Maji- Maji rebellion, to like manifestations in Uganda, the Congo and the Sudan, resulting in similar disturbances.
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