ABYSSINIAN Recovery, Chances
of. .. 92
Abyssinia To .day .. 372 Advertising, the Science of.. 389
Aiken, Newton, Article by .. .. 410 Air Defence, Civilians and : the German Model .. .. 407 Alberta Experiment, the — .. 412 Allen of Hurtwood, Lord, Article by 487 America by Air, To .. .. 335 America Thanks God .. 336 Angell, Sir Norman, Article by .. 299 Armies of Europe, the : I. Russia H. Germany .. —1030 HI. France.. .. _1074 IV. Italy .. _1115 Arms Industry, the State and the.. 797 Arrests on Suspicion .. 626 As 1936 Ends ..1110 Austria, Whither .. 264
BACHRACH, F. G. H., Article by 302 Baldwin, Mr., the Case of .. 488 Barker, Dr. Ernest, Articles by 536-890 Barry, Canon F. It., Article by .. 846 B.B.C., the Government and the .. 5
—the, and the Public .. ..1071 Beaverbrook, Lord, Article by .. 227 Belgium, What she Means .. .. 742 Bellringer, the Art of the .. 743 Bengal Tigers 196 Benansan, S. L., Articles by 134-409-1117 Bentley, E. N. B., Article by .. 335 Bernays, Robert, Articles by 415-1075 Biographies, Occasional : Ernest Bevin .. 535 Chiang Kai-shek .. .. 575 Mr. Landon .. 623 Mr. Churchill .. 981 Blacker, C. P., Article by .. ..1073 Blumberg, William, Article by .. 96 Bolsheviks, the Twilight of the .. 333 Books for Christmas ..1077 Boumphrey, G. Bf., Article by .. 338 Bowen, Elizabeth. Article by .. 901 Boyle, Kay, Article by .. 94 Breach of Promise, a .. 376 Brereton, Geoffrey, Article by .. 744 Brierley, Walter, Article by .. 232 Britain, Where She Stands .. 934 British Association, the .. 405 British Policy, Foundations of .. 128 Brogan, D. W., Article by .. 336 Brophil, Capt. M., Article by .. 372 Brown, Principal Barrett, Article by 300 Brussels and Moscow .. 668 Bunting, Basil, Article by .. 138
CANCER, the Fight Against .. 941
Career . .. 94 Castillejo, Prof. Jose, Article by .. 408 Cazalet, Capt. V. A., Article by .. 900 Chamberlain, Joseph, Evolution of 7 Chamberlin, W. H., Articles by 198- 807-1080 Chinaman, John .. 676 Christian Statesmanship .. .. 224 Christianity and Communism : I. Rival Faiths ? 536 II. The Christian Tradition .. 576 The Claims of Communism.. 624 IV. A Roman Catholic View .. 872 V. The Common Ground .. 740 VI. SociaLJustice — 802 VII. Revolutionary Christianity 846 Church, English : an American View 373 Civil List, the Clergy, the Articles, and Truth .. 675 Collis, J. S., Articles by .. 411-452 Colonies, Do they Pay ? .. 260 Communism in South Wales .. 461 Convict's Life, the — 448 Cook, Prof. I. W., Article by .. 941 Copy-Cat _ ..1118 Coster, the Doom of the .. .. 540 Creeds, Rival.. .. 841 Crime Calendar, the.. 986 Cripps, Sir S., on the Labour Party.. 90 Criticism, Objective _ 1076 Currency Concert, the .. 532-573 — and Quotas .. — 737 Curtis, James, Articles by .. 540-986 Czechoslovakia, the German Ques- tion in .. 135 reARCY, Rev. M. C., Article by .. 672 TJ David of Cambridge .. .. 938 Degenerate Age, This .. 189 Degras, H. E., Article by — .. 340 Democracy, Can it be Trusted ? .. 884 — the Defence of .. .. 332 — the Price of .. .. 484 — the Opportunity of. ..1070
Destruction, the Shadow of .. 444
Dictators' Bargain, the .. .. 84 Dictators' Propaganda 888 Dictatorship and Social Reform .. 449 Dividend Week .. .. 232 Doctors by Contract ..1111 Doctrines, a War of, in Europe .. 671
Dole, On the 93
Domesday Book, a New .. 799 D'Ormesson, Count Wiadimir, Article by .. .. 739 Drink to Me Only .. 890 Dutch, England and the .. 302
'VAST END, Anti-Semitism in the 133 14 East End, Fascism and the 572-673
Ecuador, Unknown .. 674 Egypt, the Treaty with .. .. 301 Einstein, Lewis, Article by . .. 135 Edwards, Lt -Comdr. K., Article by 91 Ensor, IL C. K., Article by Emanuel, W. V., Article by ..1121 Encyclopedia as Panacea .. .. 935 English, the Spelling of .. .. 983 Europe, Pulling it Together .. 404 Europe's Sixth Great Power ..1031
FASCISM, British, the Future of 1075 Ferrero, Prof. Guglielmo, Articles by .. 50-671 Fight for, What we Should
132-192-227-263-299 Films, British, the Future of .. 979 Fitter Britain Campaign, the .. 621 Fleming, Peter, Articles by 136-902 Forbes, Rosita, Article by .. .. 579 Foreign Policy, the Search for a .. 188 Fraser, Rev. A. G., Article by .. 944
GANDHI'S Appeal _ .. 413 Gedge, Rev. Michael, Article by 675 Gellhorn, Martha, Articles by 51-304 Geneva Harvest. .. 577 German Women's 'Labour Camp,
Life in a .. 193 Germany, the Doubts of .. .. 368 — the Meaning of Nuremberg .. 487 — Is She Preparing War ? 739-801 Gladiators, Modern . .. 411 Glass, D. V., Article by .. ..1116 Golden Road, the — 136 Government, the, Where it Fails .. 230 Greenwood, H. P., Articles by 843-887-937 — Walter, Article by . .. 93 Greig, Sir Robert, Article by .. 195 Guest, L. Haden, Articles by 539-627-847
13-ADDER, Alan, Article by .. 53 ,f1 Harris, Wilson, Articles by 448-577 Hart, Capt. Liddell, Articles by
982-1030-1074-1115 Health Service, a National . 845 Hedges, the Harvest of the .. 409 Henriques, C. Q., Article by. .. 674 Herrings and the Moon 538 Herzegovina, Christmas in ..1119 Hitler-Mussolini Bargain, the .. 84 Hobhouse, Stephen, Article by .. 804 Hodson, H. V., Article by .. 578 Hoopington, Ambrose, Article by ..1033 Horsefleld, J. K., Article by .. 412 Humanity : the Lesson of History 337 Husband's Revenge, the .. ..1078 Huxley, Aldous, Articles by 800-844-888-939-985
ICE Travel
India Revisited : X. What of Tomorrow 8 XI. The North . 47 XII. Last Impressions .. 87 Infants in Arms .. — 491 Inge, Very Rev. W. IL, Article by 576 Investor, the, and his Needs ..1112 Italy After the War : I. Public Opinion .. .. 131 II. An Economic Invalid .. 191 III. Empire .. .. 228 .. 12 .. 807 .. 676 .. 581 .. 304 ..1078 .. 193 .. 267 .. 978 —1026 ..I029 .. 801
LABOUR Party, What is Wrong with the ? .. 49 Labour Party, Two Replies 89-90 Labour World, Order and Anarchy
in the .. .. 445 Langdon-Brown, Sir W., Article by 895 Langley, Michael, Article by .. 491 Lansbury, Rt. Hon. G., Article by .. 133 Law, the, Is it an Ass ? ..1033 League, Fresh Start of the . .. 44 — Small States and the .. .. 50 —in Perspective .. 485 — Britain Makes Suggestions .. 533 Legacy, Vicissitudes of a 265 Licensed Victualler, the State as .. 450 TAFFA, Farewell .. e.) Japan, Semi-Fascist .. John Chinaman Jones, F. Elwyn, Article by Justice at Night
KELLETT, E. E., Article by Kennedy, S. D., Article by Kinchinjanga
Kingship, the Price of .. King, the Country and the . King George's Second Son .. Kircher, Dr. Rudolf, Article by Lloyd George, Rt. Hon. D., Article by . . 799 Lloyd, Roger 11., Articles by 194-266 London, More Light for .. .. 338 Lyde, Prof. L. W., Article by ..1114 Lyric Strain . 942
MACABRE .. 375 Macaulay, Rose, Marginal Comments by 580-630-677-746-
806-849-892-943 McCleary, G. F., Article by .. 676 McLaren, Moray, Article by .. 375 Macnicol, Dr. Nicol, Article by .. 9 Machine, In Defence of the .. 300 Mallon, Dr. J. J., Article by .. 673 Manchukuo, Moving with the Times 891 Map, the National 231 Marvin, F. S., Article by 337 Meat, Nutrition, Poverty .. 45 Mediterranean, the, and Montreux 91 Melchett, Lord, Article by .. .. 850 Morton, Ralph, Article by .. .. 891 Mourning-Party, At the .. 848 Mozart and Honey .. .. 492 Mullins, Claud, Article by . .. 940 Murray, Prof. Gilbert, Article by .. 983 Myth, a New : Nordicity . .. 745 1■A'ARAYAN, R. K., Articles by 376-413 1' Needham, Dr. J., Article by.. 740 Need, What We: Population Problem and Needs of Youth .. 894 Desiderata in Medicine .. 895 Needs of the Army ....898 Religion 898 Preservation of England .. 899 Physical Fitness .. 900 In Writing Newspapers From Applied Science
"14 Niebuhr, Dr. R., Articles by 3.7-3-802
Noguchi, Yone, Article by .. 287 Nutrition Policy, a .. .. 129 (ITAOLAIN, SEAN, Article by.. 53 Oh Yeah," In Defence of .. 53 Olympic Berlin .. 229 Olympic Games, Lesson of the 297 O'Neill, Eileen, Article by .. 805 Orals, No Rest in .. 340
PALESTINE : the Too Much
Promised Land 579 Palestine, Opportunity in 620 Pan-German Ambitions .. .. 889 Pares, Sir Bernard, Article by .. 447 Particles, Superfluity of .. .. 984 Paton, William, Article by .. 489 Percy, Lord Eustaee, Articles by 132-894 Physical Training for Britain .. 621 Physics, a False Alarm in 628 Pirandello, Luigi, Story by.. —1078 Pity .. 805 Poet's Resurrection, a .. .. 804 Politics and Happiness 669 Population Problem, the : I. What is it ? ..1073 II. In Other Countries . ..1116 Pound, the, Is it Stabilised ? .. 578 Poverty, Meat, Nutrition .. 45 — and Leisure .. .. 452 Press, the, and the Police Court .. 940 Pritchett, V. S., Article by.. .. 371 Prokosch, Frederic, Article by .. 10 Propaganda, Religious and Secular 800-844-985 — the Influence of Authors .. 939 Purely Functional .. 805
RAYNOR, John, Articles by 492.942 Rees, Goronwy, Article by .. 805
Reiss, R. L., Article by .. .. 450 Religions and Religion .. 9 Roads, the, and the Dole .. 261 Roberts, Michael, Article by ..1032 Robinson, Lennox, Article by ..1118 Bolin, Senator Henri, Article by .. 742 Rowse, A. L., Article by .. .. 192 Russia : Trial of the 16 in Moscow.. 333 — Was the Trial Fair .. 447 — Medicine in the U.S.S.IL .. 539 — Religion in the U.S.S.R... .. 627 — Standards of Life in .. 847
SAYLER, John, Article by .. 12
Science and Life .. 405 Sea, the Pulse of the 339 Seals and Shags, On.. .. ..1117 Self-Made Men, On Praising .. 629 Seton-Watson, Dr. IL W., Article by1031 Shahan], Ranjee, Article by .. 196 Shand, John, Article by .. 743 Sheep, Hill, the Passing of the .. 195
Smoke In the Breeze 68 Snow, Dr. C. P., Articles by 628-904-984
Soil Survey, a, for England.. .. 134 Snowden, Viscount, on the Labour Party..
Soloveytchik, George, Article by .. 306
COMMONWEALTH AND FOREIGN Alberta's Affairs — 078 Arab, the, and Zionist Policy .. 96 Australia's Point of View . 269 Baltic Problems .. .. 306 Canada, French Nationalism in .. 378 China's New Unity . _1080 Colonies, Exploiting the .. .. 944 — and Trusteeship 988 Czechoslovakia's Anxieties . 234 European Jewry : the Polish Problem — 850 Free Trade Colonies : the Dutch Example .. 631 Geneva Impressions .. 542 1
Germany and the Balkans.
— in Africa .. 893
— and Iran ..121 581
Greece, Kingship in 415 Japan's Fight for Trade .. 198 Native, the Over-taxed 842 Poland and her Neighbours .. 14 Roosevelt, Mr., the Chances of .. 494 Shanghai, the Japanese in .. 454 South Africa, the Fear Complex in 65 Spanish Revolt, Roots of the .. 188 — Liberalism. the Passing of —1036 POETRY Ambush, the (Edmund Blunden) .. 844 Benito Mussolini (R. H. Smith) .. 146 Dancers, the (Clifford Dyment) .. 421 February, 1938 (C. Day Lewis) .. 460 General Knowledge (D. J. T. Lusk) 1123 In the Night (William Plomer) .. 49:1 Invitation (Edmund Blunden) 880 Landing (John Pudney) 943 Moment's Escape, a (Richard Church) . 344 Ploughing (Lilian Bowes Lion) .. 286 Revolution, the (Richard Church).. 21 Stanley Baldwin (R. H. 131rdth).. 146 Waiting the Word (Edmund Blunden) 344 Where Sailor Used to Lodge (Lilian Bowes Lyon) .. .. 541 South Wales, Can it be Saved ?
I. First Impressions 843 II. Palliatives 887 HL Help and Self-Help .. 937 Spain, Europe and 225 — the Shambles in 296 — and Defence of Democracy .. 332 — and the Future .. 371 — and Non-Intervention .. 404 — and an International War —1027 Spanish Government, the New .. 408 — People, the Church and the .. 490 — Terror, the — Cruelty and British ..1114 Special Areas, the Betrayal of the.. 840 Spender, J. A., Article by 301 — Michael, Articles by 11-231-625 Stewart, Dr. H. F., Article by .. 938 Strachey, John, Article by .. .. 624 Stuart Squire, a .. .... 194 Sykes, Major-Gen. Sir F., Article by 896 Symbolism, the Significance of .. 744
TELEVISION and the People .. 885 Theatre, the Federal .. .. 61 Tibetan Tent.. — 625
Trade, Freer, the Chance for .. 573 Trade Unionists' Problems .. 374 Traberne, Thomas .. 804 Trevelyan, Prof. G. Y., Article by.. 899 Tripp, H. L., Articles by .. 407-449
UNEMPLOYMENT and Morale.. 266 Uniforms and Processions. 873 United States : President Roosevelt or Mr. Landon .. 4
— - Roosevelt and Landon .. 410 — — — and the Future .. .. 736 — — — the Re-election of .. 796 Untouchables, the, on Offer ? .. 489
WVAN OSS, S. F., Article by .. 631 Vljaya-Tunga,I., Article by-1034 ATCYN- WILLIAMS, M., Article by .. . 461 Watson, John A. F., Article by .. 626
Waugh, Evelyn, Article by .. ..1077 Wells, Mr., the Sombre World of. 1032 Where Peace Once Was .. —1034
Wilson, DrIncan, Article by .. .. 745
— Sir Arnold, Articles by 263.845-890 Wimbledon 10 Woodward, E. L., Article by .. 829 — — Marginal Comments by 13-54-95- 137- 197-223-268-303-341477-414-468- 493-541-987-1035-1079-1120 MEATS-BROWN, F., Articles by 8-47-87 Yonge, Prof. C. M., Articles by 339.588 Young, Cullen, Article by .. 842
TANK() REICH, Article by ..1119
OPERA AND BALLET Ballet at Sadler's Wells .. 495-945 Ballet at the Mercury Theatre .. 989 Mr. Christie's Good Wine 16 Opera in English 946
Prometheus 'rictus . . . . . . 747 Russian Ballet at the Alhambra 14-57 — — at Covent Garden 97-139-199-271
THE THEATRE Amazing Dr. Clitterhouse at Hay- market . .. 270 Ante-Room the, at the Queen's .. 307 Antony and Cleopatra at the New .. 679 As You Like It at the Old Vie .. 905 Boy David at His Majesty's ..1081 Bride for the Unlearn at Westminster 56 Busman's Honeymoon at the Comedy 1122 Children's Hour at the Gate .. 905 Country Wife at the Old Vic .. 632 Curse It, Foiled Again I at the Little 1122 Farewell Performance at the Lyric.. 455 Laughter in Court at the Shaftesbury 455 Mademoiselle at Wyndham's .. 455 Month in the Country at Westminster 582 Night of January 18th at the Phoenix 582 Oedipus Rex at Covent Garden .. 543 O Mistress Mine at the St. James's 1037 Oscar Wilde at the Gate .. 632 Parnell at the New .. 851 Storm Song at the Embassy . 56 Till the Cows Come Home at St.
Martin's _ 808 Waste at the Westminster . —1037 Wild Duck at the Westminster .. 851 THE CINEMA As You Like It at the Carlton .. 416 Anthony Adverse at the Tivoli .. 495 Bullets or Ballots at the Regal .. 945 Captain January at the Regal .. 235 Charley Chan at the Circus at the Regal
Confetti at the *Academy . ..1122
Cover to Cover at the Carlton .. 416 De Kribbebijter at the Academy .. 307 Dods-worth at the Tivoli .. 808 East Meets West at New Gallery .. 455 Everything is Thunder at New Gallery .. .. 307 Fox Hunt at the Curzon .. 808 Fredlos at the Academy .. .. 851 Fury at the Empire . .. 15 Garden of Allah at Leicester Square 1122 Gay Desperado at London Pavilion.. 851 General Died at Dawn at Carlton .. 747 Girls' Dormitory at the Regal —1081 Go West, Young Man at the Plaza 1081 Great Ziegfeld at His Majesty's .. 455 Green Pastures at New Gallery .. 989 Hortobagy at the Film Society ..1081 It's Love Again at the Tivoli .. 455 Janosik at the Academy.. 56 Ring Steps 01,1 at the Regal .. 582
Laburnum Grove at the Plaza .. 199
La Kerr:tease Herolque at Studio One 747 Living Dangerously at the Regal .. 97 Man Who Could Work Miracle., at Leicester Square .. .. 379 Marchand D'Amour at Studio One 455 Maria Bashkirtseff at Studio One 543 Mayerling at the Curzon .. 808 Mr. Deeds Goes to 2 own at Regal .. 343 My Man Godfrey at Leicester Square 543 New Gulliver at the Film Society .. 945
Nutrition.. . . . . 832 One Rainy Afterno.oh. at London
Pavilion 56 Ourselves Alone at London Pavilion 199 Petrified Forest at the Tivoli .. 139 Phantom Gondola at the Embassy.. 56 Poppy at the Plaza _ .. 97 Rembrandt at Leicester Square .. 905 Rhythm on the Range at Carlton .. 270 Romeo and Juliet at His Majesty's 679 Sabotage at the Tivoli ..1037 Savoy Hotel 217 at the Curzon .. 582 Song of Freedom at the Plaza .. 495 Story of Louis Pasteur at New Gallery Tenth Man at the Regal . ..1037 Texar Rangers at the Tivoli .. 582 Under Two Flags at the Tivoli .. 235 Walt Disney Season at the Tatler 1122 While Angel at the Tivoli .. .. 945 MUSIC Autumn Season, the . .. 544 Beethoven and Two Orchestras .. 680 Dresden Opera Company, the .. 809 Lot of Past and a Little Present —1123 Proms, the .. .. 235 Salzburg Festival, the .. 308-343 Strauss, Richard .. .. 852 Virtuoso-Magician, a .. 990 Wigs on the Green ..
ORAXOPHONE NOTES .. 829 ART Another Surrealist (Salvador Dali).. 57 Ceranne and his Contemporaries .. 140 Decoration and Realism _ 98 Discoveries in Greece and Crete .. 633 English Novelty .. 946 French and Spanish . ..1038 Gulbenkian Collection, the . .. 238 Painters are Men .. .. 583 Photography and its Purpose .. 456 Socialist Decorator, a .. ..1082 Watteau .. .. 748 ARCHITECTURE Industrial Design : the Building Exhibition Design of Elementary Schools .. 906 BOOK sISIVIEVeS AH0 ART!.ELES - ABYSS1NIA, Caesar in—G. L. Steer ..1044 ..
Abyssinia : Crazy Campaign — Mortimer Durand :.1044 Abyssinia, War in—E. Hamilton .. 435 Abyssinian Stop Press—L. Farago.. 554 Acropolis, Archaic Marble Sculp- ture from the—H. Payne, etc. .. 154 Adventure, Books of .. 602 Adventures and Perils—Ed. by C. Fox Smith 828 A. E., Some Passages from Letters of, to W. B. Yeats 508 Africa, Sllent—L. G. Green .. 774 Africans, Ten—Ed, by Margery Perham _ 148 Airdays—John F. Leming . 209 Air Mail—F. V. Monk and H. T.
Winter . 868 Alesssim, Adventures of—W. K.
Pickard.. . .. 775 Algeria, Adventure in—B. Stuart- .. 510 Alibi Pilgrimage—F. J. H. Barton.. 356 Alps and Caucasus, My Climbs In—
A. F. Mummery ..1089 — Scrambles among the — E.
Whymper ..1089 America Goes to Press—L. Greene. 103 — Old Historic Churches of—E. F.
Hines . ..1129 —What Is ?—Herbert Agar.. . 466 American Foreign Relations—L. M.
Sears. 320
— Novel, Modern, 'Creating the— H. Hatcher .. .. 696 — Sailing Craft—H. L Chappelle .. 650 — Sailing Ships, History of—H. I.
Chappelle .. 150 Animal Life of Yesterday and Today
—J. M. Dowsett . . 766 Animals, Interviewing — Dr. B.
Schmid. . .. 766 Apes and Monkeys—E. G. Boulenger 766 Arabia, a Paladin of—Major N. E.
Bray .. 32 — Southern Gates of—Freya Stark 68 Armaments, Private Manufacture of, Vol. I.—P. Noel Baker .. .. 640 Asquith—R. B. McCallum .. .. 594 Atheist, the Earnest—M. Muggeridge 424 Atlantic Crossing—G. Wilson Knight 985
BALFOUlt, Arthur James —
Blanche E. C. Dugdale 461-816 Bandobast, More--Snalffes ..1010 Baring, Mr., the Scrapbook of ..1132 Bashkirtseff, Marie—Dormer Creston 824 Bernadotte—F. Weneker-Wildberg1062 Bernstorff, Count, the Memoirs of 646 Bird Diary, a—Godfrey Harrison Birds, England'e—W. K. Richmond 428 — of Firth of Clyde — 3. M.
MCWllllam......428 Bolingbroke, Lord (Married to
Mercury) ..1004 Bounty, Heritage of the—Dr. H. L.
Shapiro .. 147 Bright Ghost—Joseph Braddock .. 984 British Empire, the—J. Stoye .. 756 -- Before American Revolution— L. H. Gipson .. ..1048 Bront8, Emily, Life and Death of—
Virginia Moore .. .. 350 Bronte, the Shakespeare Head .. 766 Burglar, the Development of a .. 866 Burton, Richard, Explorer—H. J. Schonfield ..1052 — The Arabian Knight—S. Dearden1052 Business Man, Faith of a—Angus Watson ..
Byrd, William—E. H. Fellowes .. 106 0ABINET Government—W. Ivor kJ Jennings 998 Calvin and the Reformation—J.
Mackinnon.. ..1131 Carson, Lord, Vol. III.—Ian Colvin 882 Castlereagh—Sir John Marriott .. 23 Chamberlain, Sir A., the Testimony of 860 Champlain, Samuel de, Works of, Vol. VI. .. 112 Chesterton, G. K., Autobiography of 866 Childhood, Secret of —Maria Montessori .. .. 424 China, Living ..1058 — Today—Ed. by T..Leang-li —1063 China's Red Army Marches—Agnes Smedley . 24 Christianity, Is it Unique ?—N.
Macnicol 551 Christian Ethics, Interpretation of—
R. Niebuhr .. 861 — Faith—Ed. by W. H. Matthews.. 874 — Morality—H. H. Henson .. 352 — Polity—V. A. Dement .. 954 Church and State on European Continent—A. Keller .. 318 Cockalomm—Hamish Maclaren .1062 Coleridge's Miscellaneous Criticise' 504 Community, the Unlimited—J. W.
friend, Ac.
Co'nquest, Reaction to — Monica
Hunter .. 592 Credo—Karl Barth ......390 Crimes of the High Seas—D.
Masters .......850 Custom is King—Ed. by L. H. D.
Buxton .. .. 74
DARLING'S (Lord) Famous
Cases—D. Barker 506 Dear Sir : Letters to The Times . . 356 Death is So Fair—L. L. D'Alton .. 470 Defence Reconstruction, Modern War and—J. R. Kennedy . 956 Delius as I Knew him—Erie Fenby 1092 Depressed Area, Justice In a—C.
Muir . .. 149 De Quincey, Thomas—H. A. Eaton 316 Desert, Scourge of the—Operator 1384 610 L. Edwards, etc. . .1010 Don Gypsy—Walter Starkle .. 112 Down River—Geoffrey Boumphrey 928 " Dreadnought " Hoax, the—A.
.. Stephen 1132 . Drum, Listen for a 'Lonesome—C. Canner .. . 928 — the Smallest—A. G. Stanley .. 828 Dublin under the Georges — Constantia Maxwell .. 434
ECONOMIC Analysis and Policy —J. E. Meade. . ..1130 Economists and the Public—W. H. Hutt .. — 423 Elgar as I Knew Him—W. H. Reed '775 Employment and Depressed Areas—
H. P. Greenwood — . 822 — Seasonal Variations in—C. T.
. Saunders . 149 Enchanted Glass, the—Hardin Craig 208 England's Garland, Flower of—G.
E. Manwariug 650 Englishman, Faith of an—Sir Edward Grigg .. 820 English Panorama—Thomas Sharp1092
Erasmus and England.. . 63 Ethiopian Diary, an—J. W. S.
— Mactle 1044
Europe peand Euro.. peans—Co.. unt Carlo Sforza
.. 550 Euthanasia—Dr. Harry Roberts .. 466 Everest, Alter—T. H. Somervell ..1098 Examiners, Marks of—Sir P. Hartog, Ac.
FAITH, What is the ?—N.
Micklem . 551 Far East in FernienG. Stein .. 864 Far Eastern Crisis—H. L. Stimson 462 Father Struck It Rich—Evalyn W.
McLean .. . .. 648 Film and Theatre—A. Nicoll .. 470 — Music—Kurt London .. 22 Fiona Macleod : A Forgotten Mystery .. .. 277 Fires Underground—H. Llepmann 210 Fools, Paradise of—Id. Mason .. 510 Fox, Charles James—E. Laseelles.. 26 French Republic, the — Jacques Bainville.. 644
— Revolution, Women of the—
R. MeN. Wilson .. 112 French IVorks in : — Les Nouvelles Nourritures —A.
Gide — . 109 — Les Routes des lades — P.
Morand .. 352 — Rimbaud—Danlel-Rops ..1128
— — E. and Y. Gauclere ..1128 Friends and Fiddlers—C. Bowen .. 280 Frration, Anatomy of—H. G.
.. 700 Future, Shaping the—B. Mathews 356
GANGWAYS and Corridors— Winifred James .. 317 Geri Gari—H. A. Bernatzik .. 512 Genius In the Family—H. P. Maxim 874 German-Polish Borderlands, Peace
Settlement in— I. F. D. Morrow 315 Gladstone of Hawarden — Ivor Thomas — .. 594 Oladstoues, Mr., the Two—G. T. Garrett .. Gluck—Alfred Einstein 390 Gods, the Great White—E. Stucken 74 Going Native—Eric Muspratt .. 701
Gold Fever—L. M. Nesbitt .. 106 Government, National, Record of—
Ramsay Muir .. .. 644 Grant's Last Stand—Horace Green1129 Great Britain, Empire and Common- wealth—J. A. Spender . .. 422 Great Mother Forest—A. Gatti —1094 Green, George and Sarah—Dorothy Wordsworth ......800
HAIG, Earl—Countess Haig _1006 Halifax, Viscount, Pt. II— J. G. Lockhart 953 Hamlet Problem, Still Another .. 243
— the Problem of—A. S. Caimeross 353 Hand Reading, Studies In—Dr. Charlotte Wolff .. . 148 Happiness, Achievement of—B. Sokoloff .. 320 Harriette, Fortunes of — Angela Thirkell .. 32 Harvard, Tercentennial History of —S. E. Morison.. .. 503 — Three Centuries of—S. E. Morison 503 Have You Anything to Declare ?-
M. Baring ..1132 Hell, Flight to—Hans; Bertram .. 868 Henrietta Maria—Carols Oman .. 656 Heresy, the Right to—S. Zweig ..1131 Hindenburg the Wooden Titan—
J. W. Wheeler-Bennett . 862 Hold Your Tongue — Ernest, CU. 387 Home, And Far from—T. E. A. 700 Hounds, Cross Country A. Stewart .. ..1010 Housman, A. E.—A. S. F. Gow .. 756 — — Memorial Supplement to The Bromsgrovian 870 Humour and Harmony — Cernikoff — 928 Hundred Years, the—P. Guedalla 598 Hunger, Ordeal by-0. R. Stewart 598 Huxley, Mr., Essays of .. _1046
TDEAS and People—Clifford Bax 964 .I. Ideology and Utopia — Mannheim — ..1050 Imperialism, Balance Sheets of—
G. Clark .. . 260 India—Sir A. Chatterjee, R.c. .. 775 — and the World—J. Nehru .. 213 Infant Speech—Id. M. Lewis .. 280 Intruder the—Kenneth Walker —1089 Irish Girl, the Wild—L. Stevenson 151 Is It Peace ?—Graham Hutton ..1090 I Took off My Tie—H. Massingham 602
JAMES, William—Ralph B. Perry 688
Japan—Grace James .. 762 Japan, a Frenchman Dekobra 388 — Industry and Trade of—S. Uyehara .. 213 Japan's Feet of Clay—Freda Utley1063 Japanese Poetry, Masterpieces of .. 551 Jellicoe, Lord — Admiral Sir Reginald Bacon 688 Jew, the Testimony of the .. 758 Jews, What will Happen to the 2— J. Leftwich 387 Jubilee and her Mother—Lorna Lewis .. .. 766
KAISER and English Relations— E. F. Benson . 780 Karakoomraborm,a.Bnkno.vm—R. C. F. sob
.. 468
Keats's Publisher : John ;Taylor—
Edmund Blunden.. .. 762 Kempe, Margery, Book of—W. Butler-Bowdon 642 Keynes, Mr., and Labour Movement
—A. L. Rowse .. .. 774 King, the, and the Imperial Crown—
A. Berriedale Keith .. 861 King's Ladies, the — Dorothy
Ponsonby Senior. 928 Klephtic Ballads, the---.7. W.
Baggally .. 965
LANCER at Large—F. Yeats- Brown _ 818 Lane, John, and the 'Nineties—
J. Lewis May .. .. 506 Laughing Gas—P. G. Wodehouse 558 Lavallette, Count, Life of, Vol. I _1015 Lawrence, Honoria—Maud Diver .. 510 — T. E., Portrait of—V. Richards 356 League Wars, First of the—Maj.- Gen. J. F. C. Fuller .. ..1044 — Towards a New—H. N. Brailsford 284 Learn and Live—W. E. Williams, Ac. 552 Lee, Sir Henry—Sir E. K. Chambers 1054 Leisure, the Challenge of .. .. 149 Leawood, Frank—Roger Wilson —1062 Letters from Limbo—Ernest Rhya 965 Liberia, Unknown — H. J.
Greenwall, Ac. 428 Life, Law and Letters—E. S. P. Haynes
— Road to—A. Makarenko.. .. 775 Living, Standard of, the State and—
Gertrude Williams .. 149 Lloyd George, David, War Memoirs of, Vols. V, VI 502-952 Locke's Essay, an Early Draft of 315 Longstreet, James — H. .1.
Eckenrode, Ac. . 210 Love, the Allegory of—C. S. Lewis 389 — the Power to—E. W. Hirsch .. 74 Low Company—Mark Benney .. 866
MACHIAVELLI and his Times— D. E. Muir .. 213 McKenna, Stephen, Journals, Ac., of 1091
Mallarmb, Poems by.. .. 764 Man, Study of—Ralph Linton .. 964 Marguerite of Navarre—S. Putnam 774 Marlborough, Vol. III—W. Churchill 953 Married to Mercury—M. R.
Hopkinson.. ..1004 Matabele Thompson : an Auto-
biography .. 464 Mauretania—Humfrey Jordan . 394 Maychester, Annals of—S. L.
Bensusan 929 Meet Yourself—Prince L. loewen- Mete' a Men, inMocv. .em e — 148 pts -and Hyself- Lord Snell.. ... .. 430 Mexico, Tempestover—Rosa.E. King 518 Mexican Interlude—J. H. Jackson 828 Misha and Masha—Pearl Binder .. 9(i4
Folksongs of—A. P.
Hudson _ ..1129
Money and Banking, Vol. II 281
Moons, Myths and Man—H. S.
Bellamy .. . 602 Moore, George, Life of—J. Hone .. 590 Morris, William—May Morris .. 598 Moscow Admits a Critic— Sir B. Pares 24 Motorist's Companion—John Prioleau ..1015 Movie Parade—Paul ltotha. ..1056
Music and the Future—C. Gray .. 317 Music, My Love 1— Charlotte
Haldane .. — 280 Music's Handmaid—Harriet Cohen 280
NATION, the, at War—Gen. Ludendorff 388 Neptune, Anatomy of—B. Tunstall 650 New Deal, After the, What ?—N.
Thomas _ ..1014 New Guinea Gold—E. Demaitre .. 700 New Zealand—J. C. Beagiehole .. 320 Night, Out of the—H. J. Muller .. 64 No Place Like Home—B. Nichols .. 351 Novel, the, Today—P. Henderson ..1046
OASIS—Oliver Baldwin ....828 Obiter Scripts — George Santayana . .. 692 Olive Tree, the—Aldous Huxley ..1046
Open Air, the—Adrian Bell.. .. 252 Orage, A. R.—Phllip Malret .. 351 Ossietzky : What was his Crime ?- Mrs. Williams-Ellis 656 Out of the Pit—John Newsom .. 822
PARNELL—Joan Haslip . 278 Parody Party—Ed. by L. Russell .. 774 Patriot Adventurer—Deals Ireland 210
Peace, Plan for—F. Williams .. 104 — the Struggle for—Sir S. Cribs.. 508
— Vital—H. Wickham Steed .. 105
Phoenix—D. H. Lawrence .. 958 Photography Today—D. A. Spencer 284 Pirandello, Some Aspects of —1088 Playground of Europe—L. Stephen 1089 POETRY, Books of : Bright Feather Fading—Lilian Bowes Lyon .. ..1131 Collected Poems—Andrew Young 108 Collected Poems—Austin Clarke 108 Jonson, Ben, the Poems of . 245 Letter from Pontus, Maselleld .. 88 Look, Stranger !—W. H. Auded..1008 More Poems—A. E. Housman .. 756 Poems—R. P. Hewett ....88 Poems—Villiers David .. _ 652 Poems of People—Edgar Lee Masters .. 512 Poems of Strife—Julius Lipton.. 354 Poems, 1911-36—.T. H. Wheelock 852 Public Speech—A. MacLeish .. 652 Rain—B. M. de R. Winser — 68 Reading the Spirit—R. Eberhart 1131 Selected Poems—W. R. Childe" 68 Sir Hugh in Barbary—E. B. W. Chappelow — 354 Songs and Incantations—W. I.
Turner .. .. 354 Three Old Brothers, &c.—F. O'Connor Trophy of Arms—Ruth Pitter .. 652 Twenty-five Poems—D. Thomas 1058 Visiting the Caves—W. Plomer..1131 Watson, Sir William, Poems of .. 150 Work for the Winter—Julian Bell 354 Poetry, This Modern—B. Deutsch.. 154 Politics from the Inside—Sir Austen Chamberlain .. 860 Pool and Rapid—R. L. Haig-Brown 656 Population Movements — R. R.
Kuczynski . .. 314 — Struggle for—D. V. Glass .. 314 — World—A. M. Carr-Saunders .. 314 Postman's Horn—Arthur Bryant ..1014 Press, Government and the, 1695- 1783—L. Hanson .. .. 423 — the English—Jane Soames ..1000 Provence, the Heart of—Amy Oakley 112
RASHDALL'S Mediaeval Univer- sities 64 Rebellion, a Toast to—G. Garibaldi 66 Recollections and Reflections—Sir
J. I. Thomson .. 996 Reference, Works of —1094 Reformation, Characters of the—H.
Base .. 554 Religion, Sex in—G. Simpson Harr 206 Reperusais and Re-collections- Logan P. Smith . .. 425 Reresby, Sir John, Memoirs of .. 66 Revaluations—F. R. Leavis .. 694 Rhodes Goes North—J. E. S. Green 1098 Richard HI, the Usurpation of .. 213 Rich Land Poor Land—S. Chase..1014 Ride op the Wind—F. Chichester.. 868 Rimbaud and Modern Poetry ..1128 Road Book, the National—R. T.
Lang .. 358 Robert and Elizabeth, From .. 320 Romilly-Edgeworth Letters, 1813-18 248 Rough Passage—Comdr. R. IL Graham .. .. 32 Rousseau, Farewell to—C. Sutton.. 592 Royalist's Notebook, a—Ed. by
F. Bamford — 434 Russia, Human Life in —E.
Ammende .. 247 — I Search for the Truth in—Sir W. Citrine 208 — U.S.S.R. .. 284 0 T. CATHERINE'S College- 0 W. H. S. Jones . 828 Sagittarius Rising—Cecil Lewis .. 209 Salvation Dynasty—Brian Lunn .. 768 Samarkand, Dawn over—J. Kunitz 24 — South to—Ethel Mannin — 426 San Francisco, Man who Built — I. Dana — _ ..1129 Savage Squadrons—S. Kournakoff 394 — the Gentle—R. Wyndham .. 162 School of Night—M. C. Bradbrook 1098 Scientific Progress : Sir Halley
Stewart Lectures for 1935 .. 463 Scotland of Queen Mary, &c.—
Agnes Mere Mackenzie .. 692 Scott and Scotland—Edwin Muir ..1054 Sculptor's Odyssey—M. Hoffman.. 874 Sea Road, Strange—W. Bednall .. 518 Seven—Rom Landau .. .. 701 Sex Morality and Religion _ 206 Sheraton's Progress—S. Sassoon .. 386 Ships, Freak—Stanley Rogers . 105 — that have Made History—G. Robinson . 650 Sky Gipsy—Claudia Cranston .. 868 Smithy—Alexander Smith .. 518 Smuts, Gen., VoL 11.—Sarah G.
Snell, Lord, Memories of _ .. 430 Socialism—Ludwig von Mises .. 690 South Africa, Wild Life 1n—H. A. Bryden .. 74 Soviet Education System : Changing Man—Beatrice King .. . 463 — Money and Finance—L. E.
Hubbard .. 278 Spain Untroubled-4. H. /Lesson 928 Spanish Barricades, Behind the— I. 968
— Front—Carlos Prieto .. 964 — Tragedy—E. Alison Peers .. 822 Sphinx, a Message from the-
" Enel " .. 874 Sport In War—L. Dawson, &c. ..1010 Spring Up, 0 Well—Dorothy Kahn 994 Stalin, Mount, Ascent of—M. Romm1089 StanleyDean, My Talks with— Lord ,Dunsany — ..1014 Stein, Baron—C. de Grunwald ..1056
Stonemason, Rolling—F. Bower .. 74 Sun, a Place in the—G. Clark .. 260 Sweden : the Middle Way—M. W. Childs .. 689 mALBOT, Edward Stuart--0.
j Stephenson . .. 244 Tales of an Empty Cabin—Grey Owl 929 Talk, Good—E. Wingfield-Stratford 26 Tartary, News from—Peter Fleming 244 Theatre of Life, Vol. II—Lord Howard of Penrith .. 754 Thirlwall, Connop—J. C. Thirlwall, jun. . .. 244 Thomas, Albert, Yes and—E. J.
Phelan .. .. 65 Thomson, Sir J. T., Recollections of 996 Through Two Decades—T. Wolff .. 758 Tibetan Journey—lime. A. David- Neel .. 700 Tichborne Case—Lord Maugham . . 656 Tiger Hunters—Brig.-Gen. R. G.
Burton .. 929 Timeless Theme, the—Colin Still .. 70 Time Past—Marie Scheikevitch .. 252 Togo and Rise of Japanese Sea Power—E. A. Falk .. ..1004 Tokyo, Living in — Katherine Sansom . .. 762 Tomorrow, the Shadow of—J.
Huizuiga .. 700
Toseanini—Paul Stefan .. .. 213 Trade Cycle, the—K. F. Harrod . 956 Transport, Economics of—M. R.
Bonavia . 316 Troubadour, Sailing — B. J.
Klitgaard - • — 518 Trumbull, John, Connecticut Wit—
A. Cowie .. . .. 434 Tsushima—A. Novikoff-Priboy .. 278 Tudors, the—Conyers Read _ 692 Tweed, John, Sculptor—L. Tweed 320 Tyrolese Hills, Over—F. S. Smythe 284
UNITED STATES, Fundamental
Issues In—E. A. Radice .. 920 Until I Find ...—E. Pinchon .. 929 TALERA, Eamon de—Desmond ✓ Ryan .. 687 Van Gogh, Vincent—I. Meler-Graefe 694 — — Letters of — 694 Victorian England—G. M. Young ..1130 — Portrait of an Unknown—R. H.
Mottram ..1062 Voltaire—Alfred Noyes .. ..1050
`WALLS Have Mouths—W. F. R. Macartney ' 448 War, Profits of—R. Lewinsohn .. 518
— the, in Outline--Liddell Hart .. 284 Wars, Between the — H. W.
Nevinson 353 Waugh in Abyssinia—E. Waugh .. 864 We Generally Shoot Englishmen— R. 0. G. Urch.. ..1093 We Were Seven—W. F. Harvey .. 556 Whitlock, Brand, Letters, ste., of ..1129 Wild Goose, Chase of the—Mary
Gordon .. . 252
Wild, Jonathan—F. J. Lyons .1098 Will Mariner—Admiral Somerville 965 Wind Blows Over—W. de la Mare.. 556 Wings Growing—Filson Young .. 209 World Trade, 1935, Review of .. 656 Wound, On Another Man's—
E. O'Malley .. 470 ZERO Hour—Richard Freund ..1090
n15. Story of the Rising— A. and H. Tayier .. 154
8 Grain, J. T.—Michael Orme .. 28 Harvest Home—Hilda Vaughan .. 42 Hero of the Restoration—O. Warner 14 Humorous Books .. 28 It Had to Happen—L. Bromfield .. 42 I Tremble to Think—R. Lynd .. 20 Lovely Girl, the—Alec Brown .. 42 Marie Tempest—Hector Boiitho .. 28 Marx, Kari—Franz Mehring .. 18 — — B. Nicolalevsky and 0. M. Hellen .. 18 Mild and Bitter—A. P. Herbert .. 20 Minty Alley—C. L. R. James .. 42 Monck, Honest George—I. D. G. Davies . • .. .. 14 Myself a Player—Lena Ashwell .. 28 Nearing the Abyss—Lord Davies .. 4 New England, Flowering of—Van Wyck Brooks .. • . 10 Peace, Which Way to—B. Russell 4 Rearmament, Alternative to—J.
Short Stories
Socialism, Theory and Practice of—
John Strachey .. • • • • Sporting Books, Five .. Swamp Shadow—Katharine Hamill Travel. Books, Nine .. • • - • Trinity Town—Norman Collins ..
CHRISTMAS SUPPLEMENT (The Spectator, November 20th)
Autobiographies, Seven .. 22 Big Horse's Flight—Sven Hedin .. 12 British Empire, Cambridge History of ; South Africa 4 Children, Books for .. 38 Dance of the Quick and Dead—S. Sitwell 16 Detective Stories .. 34 Earth Trembles, the—Jules Remains 30 Ego 2—James Agate .. 28 Excuse It, Please !—Cornelia Otis
Fanny Burney—Christopher Lloyd Garden Books, Six .. . • . • Gladstone to his Wife—Edited by 4 32 6 26 42 20 42
Verse, Modern, Oxford Book of—
W. B. Yeats ..
War, Alternative to—C. Roden Buxton West Indies, Trade in, 1739-63— Richard Pares .. 8 FICTION
ACTION for Slander—Mary Borden .. 872 Again, One Day—M. C. Gleyka .. 432 All the Trees were Green — M.
Harrison .. —1060 Amaranthers, the—Jack B. Yeats.. 211 Andreas—H. von Hofmansthal .. 319 And Then You Wish—J. van Druten 560 Antigua, Penny, Puce—R. Graves 772 Attic Meteor—Dennis Parry .. 698 August Folly—Angela Thirkell ..1012
BENEDICTION—Claude Silve..1012 Big Money—John DOT Passos 960
Bird Alone—Sesin O'Faolain .. 28 Birds, the—Frank Baker .. .. 30 Bread and Wine—Ignazio Silone.. 872 Brothers Ashkenazi—I. J. Singer 654
CALF of Paper—Sholem Asch .. 608 Career—Phil Stong 30 Cathedral Close—Susan Goodyear.. 110 China, Living : Modern Short
Stories ..1058 Choose a Bright Morning—H.
Bernstein .. 282 City for Conquest—Abel Kandell.. 992 Clochemerie—Gabriel Chevallier .. 212 Clown, the, and Mrs. Fellows—
Marjorie Jeans .. 872 Croquet i'layer, the—H. G. Wells..1096 Cross-Double-Cross--L. Masefield 962
DAYS of Contempt—A. Malraux 319 Death of a Man—Kay Boyle 560 DETECTIVE STORIES 28-248-
514-770 Duet in Discord—Elizabeth Garner 1096
EGGS and Baker—John Masefield 828 Envy—Yuri Olyesha....098 Europa—Robert Briffault 560 FAREWELL Romance—Gilbert Frankau Far Forest—Francis Brett Young 392 Fear in the Heart—Constance
Matteson .. 392 Fifty Roads to Town—F. Nebel .. 156 Figures of Eight—C. Mackenzie .. 30 Flowering Nettle—H. Martinson .. 654 Fool and the Tractor—L. Kerr ..1133 Foster-Girl—John Metcalfe .. 962 Friendly Tree—C. Day Lewis .. 808 Frightened Angels—Joanna Cannan 212 Frog in the Reeds—Kit Marshall..1060
GENTLEMAN of the Party —
A. G. Street .. 560 Giant's Stride—Brian Penton .. 560 Gilt Kid, the—James Curtis .. 72 Going to the Sea—Doreen Wallace.. 250 Golden Heart, the—Richard Strachey .. . .. 250 Gone with the Wind—Margaret Mitchell .. 608 Grimoire, the—Montague Summers 1133 Guest of Beauty—P. legerkvist 30 Gun for Sale—Graham Greene .. 110
HAPPY Alienist, the—Wallace Smith .. 110 Hedge and the Horse—H. Belioc .. 609 Henry Airbubble—W. J. Turner .. 872
Hero Breed—Pat Mullen 604 He's Got a Minion—V. Krymov .• 516 Hesperides, the—John Palmer —1060 Heyday in the Blood—G. Goodwin 72 Honourable Estate—Vera Brittain 826
IAM Death—Rearden Connor .. 606 j. Innocent Summer —Frances Frost .. . .. 355 Islands, the—Gerald W. Brace .. 72 Italian Summer—Wilhelm Speyer..1096
"[ZING Sees Red—Anthony Bertram
LAST Enemy, the—L.A.G.
Strong .. 72 Level Crossing—Phyllis Bottome .. 962 Lights are Bright—Anna D. Whyte 826 Lingering Walls—Paul Horgan ..1012
MAJOR Operation—James Berke 516 Mary Lavelle—Kate O'Brien 826 Men in Arms—George Siocombe 282 Midnight—Julian Green — .. 560 Mr. Loveday's Little Outing, &c.— E. Waugh ... .. 70 Myrtle Tree—R. G. 'Goodyear .. 654 NEED We Have, the—A. H. Gibbs 604 Nightwood—Djuna Barnes .. 692 No Letters for the Dead—G. Wilhelm. .. 826 None Turn Back—Storm Jameson.. 432 Not Too Narrow, Not Too Deep—
Richard Sale .. 212 Novel on Yellow Paper—S. Smith 474
OF Mortal Love—W. Gerhardt .. 872 Old Heart Goes on a Journey— Hans Fallada .. 772 20 -FEW'S Harp—Henry K. Marks 698
14 ej Jost—Rudolph Kuhn.. —1096 24 Journey into Freedom—Klaus Mann 474 Jump for Glory—Gordon McDonnell 355
RAMPARTS of Virtue—John
Brophy.. .. 432 Recoil—I. L. Hardy .. 992 Rising Tide—Elisaveta Fen .. 156 Rock Pool, the—Cyril Connolly .. 250 Rodeo—R. B. Cunniughame Graham 66
SALAVIN—Geoeres Duhamel —1060 Sand Castle—Janet ileitis ..1096 Secret Journey, the.—James Hanley 250 Sever the Earth—Jacques Spitz ..1012 Shallow Brown—Stephen Hockaby 1193 Snare of the Fowler—G. Bullett .. 355 Somewhere in Silence—P. Brand .. 962 Song for Harps—William March .. 432 Song of Friendship—B. Kellerman 962 Song on Your Bugles— E. Knight..1012 Spring Storm—Alvin Johnson .. 156 Standing Room Only—W.
Greenwood.' .. .. 156
Star Turn—Item Clair .. 474 Stories of Three Decades—T. Menu 472
Stress—Olga Fielden 872 Sugarhouse Entry—R. Hayward .. 604 Summer of Life—Beatrice K.
Seymour 319 Summer Will Show—Sylvia Town- send Werner .. 516
THEIR Ways Divide—Dennis
Kincaid.. .. 110 There is My Heart—P. Neagoe 698 They Walk in the City—J. H.
Priestley — .. 212 Think of the Earth—IL Brooker .. 282 Together and Apart — Margaret
Kennedy ..1133 Turn, Magic Wheel—D. Powell .. 72 Two Doctors—Elizabeth Cambridge 1133 Two Exiles—Julian Hall .. 962
TINDER Moscow Skies—M.
U Hindus 516 vILLON—Charies Kunstler .. 282
IITEATHER in the Streets—Rosa- mond Lehmann .. .. 110 Whiteoak Harvest—Maio de Is
Roche ........654 Wild Harbour—Ian Macpherson _1060 Windless Sky—Fritz Faulkner .. 772 CORRESPONDENCE
ADERTILLRRY Children, Boots for, 951 —Abyssinia : Recognition of An- nexation, 19 ; Developments in Addis Ababa, 418 ; Rome and the War in, 815 —Across the Frontiers, 347—Air Travel, the Railways and, 847—Alberta Experi- ment, the, 459—All-Red Route, a Threat to the, 21—Anglo-Catholics and Reunion, 1088-1126—Anxiety and Dis- ease, 500—Arabs : a Hearing for the, 203 ; and British Troops, 886-751-815- 857-922-950—Arrests on Suspicion, 684 —Asia, the Peace of, 238—Asquith and Balfour, 949.
-"--/APTLINO Problem, a, 995—Baldwin,
Mr., and Rearmament, 948— Balfour, Lord : and Mr. Lloyd George, 857-4112 ; Asquith and, 949—Beaver- brook, Lord, and the League of Nations, 274—Beer Taxes and Beer Profits, 276- 313-384—Bodley Head, the, 587— Bolsheviks, the Twilight of the, 381— Bombay, Waifs of, 148—Book, the Choice of a, 638—Boys' Brigade, the Camps of the, 146—Brent Valley Sanctuary, 276—Britain, Where she Stands, 1040—Broadcasting to the Empire, 948—Bryant Appeal, the, 144.
TIMIDITY, Steel Plant in, 950-994— • Carson, Lord, 685--Chamberlain,
Sir A., Count Sforza and, 636.751— Character, What is ? 20—Charity, Pre- ventive, 1126—L3rristlan Statesmanship, 274—Civil List, the, 144—Clergy, the Articles and Truth, 759.815-950-994— Collective Security, 241-847--Colonles the, and Trusteeship, 202 ; the Future of, 312—Communism, Christianity and, 585-635-682-750-811-854-914-948-992- 1086--to' mmunist Propaganda, 686— Convict's Life, the, 498-540--Coronation, Nonconformists and the, 858--Correc- tions, 146-313--Country Industries, 1127 —Cruelty, Our Attitude Towards, 418— Cuckoos and their Habits, 348-384-421.
D/OILING, Lord, 242—Des, 8. R., 102—
Democracy the Defence of, 382 ; the Price of, 549—Dental Danger, the, 241—Destruction, the Shadow of, 499— Dictatorship Religion and, 19-60-101- 145 ; and Social Reform, 498-547-586— Dietetic Economy, 205-242—Dole, On the, 143-203-240—Domesday Book, a New, 857-918.
ELSTICRNER, a Qualified, 420—Boono- mists and the Public, 460-501— English, the Spelling of, 1085—Eternal Standards, 240—Europe, Western, Peace for, 586—Euthanasia, 920.
FFAITHS,El Congress Of, 20—Far Eastern Prospects, 202—Fascism and Dis- order, 636—Fight for, What should We ? 238-273-310—Fiona Macleod, 312— Foreign Funds for British Parties, 815— Free Churches, the, 548-566-637-665— French, Letters its : Jeux de Haaard
r- Tolstoi .. 355 Prayer for My Son—H. Walpole .. 392 4 Prelude to Christopher—Eleanor
Dark _1096 16 ; Le Bourgeois Prol8talre, 98 ; Nos Ands Les Angiais, 205 ; L'Annonce Faite Par Marie, 271 ; Devoirs de Vacances, 344 ; Dkjeuners Sur L'Herbe, 416 ; Vingt Ans Apres, 496 ; Crine de Fatallsme, 588 ; " Vlens Avec Nous, Petit I " 680 ; Ce Que Parler Veut Dire, 809 ; Du Rouge Dans Les Arts, 906 ; A L'Anglah,e I 990 ; Sujets d'Etonne- ment, 1082.
GERMANY : and the Games, 311 ; the Jew in, 384 ; her Forfeit Colonies, 458 ; her Colonial Claims, 500-585-637 ; the Meaning of Nuremberg, 548 ; is she Preparing War ? 858-916-993-1085- German, Letters in : Alt Heidelberg du feine . . 62 ; Zeltlager, 140 ; Freizeit und Erholung, 236 ; Frldericus, 308 ; Leuna enter Fliegerbomben, 379 ; Moor im Herbst, 456 ; Frellichtspiele, 544 ; Rilgendamm, 633 ; Farbenhoren und Tonsehen, 748 ; Ein Fischerel- Jubilium, 852 ; Hansmusik, 951 ; Opposition und Kritik, 1038 ; Weih- nachten in Weimar, 1127-Gladstone, Henry, 949-995-Glasgow's Gangsters, 1125-Goodwill Congress, 145-Gough, Sir H., 949-Greece, Liberty in, 684.
TTABITS and Hygiene, 916-Haggle, 20-
62-101-Haig, Lord, 995-Har- wood, Rev. Philip (1809-87), 349- Hedges, the Harvest of the, 499- Holmes, Sir Charles, 1040-Housman, A. E., 420-815-995.
EurA : In Defence of, 310 ; and I Swaraj, 848-Indian Public School, an, 276-Insurance, Some Doubts on, 273-International Order, 100-Irish Constitution, the New, 856-Irish Settlement, an, 912-Island, Our One- Time, 276-Isolationism, 312.
JEWS, the Future of the, 459-Judicial Humorist, the, 638. TrENTA, the Highlands of, 752-King and Commonwealth, 1084-King George Memorial, the, 587-King, the, In South Wales, 949.
LABOUR Party, What is Wrong with the ? 201-Lake District, Pre- servation of the, 1042-Land Utilisation Survey, a, 242.347--Latin Quotation, a, 349-385--Law, Is the, a Hass ? 21-62- League : Can it be Impartial ? 349- Liberals and Leadership, 637-Licensed Victualler, the State as, 498-548-586-636- 814 - Limited Editions, 922 - Lloyd George, Mr. • Rock for, 420: and Lord Balfour, 857-912-London Clergy Holi- day Fund, 146-London's Exits, 753.
" MACABRE," 500-Mahatma Letters, All- Who Wrote the ? 102-145- Mammals, Our Native, 312-"Marriage" Bill, Mr. de la Ben's, 910-Medicine, Desiderata in, 994-Mental Hospitals, d85-Merchant Seamen, the Conditions of, 920-Mexico and New Mexico, 241- Milk : the Food Value of, 240 ; but What Milk ? 813-922-Moscow Trial, the, 381-Motorists, Magistrates and, 549-Music, Protests about, 814.
NATIVE, the Overtaxed, 419-Nietzsche Preferred, 61-Norwegians, the, and Whaling, 460.
" OBSERVERS are Saying," 460- ‘-'" Offender, Young, Dealing with the, 858-Oil from Coal, 994-Opposi- tion, Policy of the, 102-Orage, A. R., 420-Oxford Group's Meeting, 101-144.
PALESTINE Crisis, the, 419-Palestine Immigration, 242-Palestine Royal Commission, the, 242-Palestine Situa- tion, the, 18-59-100-142-204-348-Papal Encyclicals, 636-Party Politics, 420- Peace in Our Time, 950-1087 ; Where it Once was, 1085-People's Front, a, 102- 145-Pickthall (Marmaduke) Letters, 349-Pictorial Photography, 500-Pine Marten, the, 349-Poland, Jews in, 918- Police and Amateurs, 241-275-Politics and Happiness, 752-Prayer Book, the Incorrect, 459-500-547-Primitive Men, Animals and Pictures, 859-Provident Associations, 815.
(VEEN MARY'S Lineage, 1087-' Queen '06 Mary,' the Economics of the, 59.
-pp EcRurriso Failure, the, 859-Religi-
ous Teaching, 950-995-1087- Roads : the Risks of the, 61 ; Death on the, 203 ; Casualties on the, 383- Roosevelt, President, the Re-election of, 859-Royalty and Militarism, 549- Royalty, the Lives of, 1125-Russian Efficiency, 349.
" QALUS Reipubllcae," 383-Samar-
kand : South to, 588 ; Who was in ? 638-686-Sanctions, 145-School Child, Feeding the, 859-Sforza, Count ; and Sir A. Chamberlain, 636 ; and Locarno, 751-993-Share-Pushing Evil, the, 549-Shipyard, 202-Shop-fronts, Uniform, 1042-Signs of the Times, 20- " Sir Hugh in Barbary," 501-Social Work, a Conference on, 62-Songs of the Empire, 276-Soul, the Death of the, 276-South African Franchise, the, 18- South African Native, the 385-South Wales, Conditions in, 587-Soviet Edu- cation System, the, 501-Spain : the Civil War in, 240 ; and Portugal, 274 ; the Conflict in, 275-346-382-419-458; Europe and, 275 ; Roman Catholics in, 313 ; the Colonels and, 313 ; Some Questions on, 549 ; Atrocities in, 813- 855-1042-1084-1126 ; Arms for, 992- Spanish People, the Church and the, 585 - Spanish Revolt, the Roots of the, 239 - Spectator : in Nairobi, 349 ; " Left- Centre," 420-Speech Therapy, 275- Sport, Spurious, 1127-Stamps, the New, 460-500.
MERseromAL Army, the, 1041-
-A- Things to Come," 1085-Trans- port Monopoly, a, 348-Transport, the Economics of, 385-Trespass, Invita- tions to, 61.
" TTLTIIIA THULE " One up on London, 1-•' 420-Utopia and Doon, 313.
VOICE of the People, the, 685.
WAR, Preparation for, 19-61-143- War, the Next, in England, 1041 -Wells, Mr., his Encyclopaedia, 993- Wimbledon, 101-Woodcock's Third Sitting, a ? 242-Wordsworth, Dame Elizabeth, 242.
treams, Mr., his Anthology, 950-995- -1- Yeats-Brown, Mr., on India, 21.
A SPECTATOR'S NOTEBOOK ABYSSINIA, Emperor of, 226-262. " Ace Political Writer," 486.
Albert Hall Meetings, 886.
Allenby, Lord, and Gods of Geneva, 738. " American Mechanism," 130. Arms Commission's Report, the 870; The Bribe of 5-50,000, 798.
Atlantic Record, Silver Cup for, 370. Austro-German Agreement, the, 86. BALDWIN, Mr. : the Return of, 46 ; at
Blickling Hail, 370.
Banbury, Lord, Death of, 298.
B.B.C. : New Governors of (Capt. Fraser and Mr. Mallon), 1113 ; Christ- mas Programme of, 1113.
Beaded Bubbles Winking at King, 1028. Beet-Sugar Ramp, the, 534. Sevin, Mr., President of the T.U.C., 486. Bible Society's Annual Output, 446. Bleriot, M., the Death of, 226. Book Present, the Best, for a Girl, 534. Bottle-Party Industry, the, 190.
Bruce, Sir Robert, Retirement of, 1113. CADMAN, Dr. S. Parkes, Death of, 86. Campbell-Bannerman, Sir H., Centenary of, 370.
Careless Rapture at Drury Lane, 446. Carlyle's Handwriting, 130. Censorship of Imported Literature, 886. Chamberlain, Mr. N.: at 1900 Club, 6 ; on German Rearmament, 130. Chamberlain, Sir A., Resigns from League Union Executive, 6.
China, the British Embassy in, 6. Churchill, Mr. : as Democratic Leader, 886-936 ; and the Crisis, 1028. Circulations War, Fresh Start of the, 86. Civil Service and ' Stay-in ' Strike, 6. Coalition, a Probable, 130.
Collins, Sir Godfrey, Death of, 622. Cornish Language, the, 298.
Country Wife, the, at the Old Vic, 670. Crewe, Lord, and Queen Victoria, 1028. Cricket : the Second Test Match, 1113. Cripps, Sir S., Political Future of, 980. Crystal Palace, Destruction of, 980. Daily Express, the Ballot of the, 486. Daily Mail and Spanish Civil War, 298. Danzig High Commissioner, the, 46. De Valera, Mr., the Health of 370. Diplomatic Correspondents, and the Papers, 406.
Dreyfus, Colonel, the Memoirs of, 298. Duff Cooper, Mr., and the Bishops, 670. EDEN, Mr., and America, 574.
Einstein, the Two, 980.
Elibank, Lord, the Career of, 670. Elliot, Colonel R. H., Death of, 842. Elliot, Mr. W., Transferred to the Scottish Office, 798.
Erskine, Capt., the Withdrawal of, from Gore, 534.
Eton, Lord Hugh Cecil New Provost of, 48.
FRANCE and Turkey, the Dispute between, 1072.
Franco, General, the Record of, 406.
GERMANY : Heard in, 446 ; Effects of the Press Censorship in, 980.
German Foreign Office Appointments, 298.
Glasgow Gang Fights, 1072.
Gombos, General, Death of, 574.
Gough, Gen. : Mr. Lloyd George's Letter to, 798 ; Mr. Baldwin and, 842. Green Pastures, the, 886.
Group Campaign, the, Opening of the, 46.
HABITS and Hygiene, 842.
Hailey, Lord, and the Mandates Com- mission, 486.
Harris, Dr. Bendel, 298.
Heart, the Artificial, 262.
Hymns, Hackneyed, 334.
INDIAN Civil Service, Increase of Candi- dates for the, 6.
JEWISH Children in the East End, 738. Juniper Hall, 226-298.
%RIG EDWARD : the Constitution Hill
Incident, 130; the Newspapers and, 980-1028 ; Abdication of, 1076 ; Archbishop of Canterbury and, 1113. King George Memorial Fund, 534. Lamers, the Intellectuals of, 622. Labour Party, the Leadership of the, 574. Landon, Governor, Candidature of, 262. League, the, and the Spaniels War, 446. Liberal Summer School, the, 226. LIdgett, Dr. Scott, Tributes to, 486. Litvinoff, M., the Position of, 574. Lloyd George, Mr., Rock for, 334. London, New Ways out of, 190. Salim Radio, the, 842.
Magadalen Bridge's Cycles Record, 370. Maugham, Mr. S., the Apologue of, 86. Means Test Debate, the, 130.
Mein Kampf, the Validity of, 446-486 ; Business Side of, 1113.
Mr. Deeds Goes to Town, 406.
Morning Post, the, and M. Blum, 406. Motoring, Safer, 446-670.
Mudie's Library, a Receiver for, 130. Murray, Prof., and Mr. Wells, 534. Mussolini, Signor, his Praise of Gen.
de Bono, 622.
NUFFIELD, Lord, Sir F. Buzzard and, 842.
OBOLENSKY, Prince, his Confession of Faith, 738.
Observer, the, and Mr. Langdon-Davles's Book, 936.
Oxford University : Candidates for, 226 ; Sir Arthur Salter and, 262; the Contest for, 670-738-936.
PALESTINE Commission, the, 190. Palestine : Retirement of Sir Si. McDonnell, 738.
Penny Postage, and Telephones, 88. Pipe-Smoking in Restaurants, 622. Popular Front Movement, the, 1072. Price, Mr. H. P., the £20,000 Gift of, 980. Private Members, the Rights of, 574. ' QUEEN MARY,' the, 130 ; Stability of, 886.
Quotations, 190-226-262-334-370-406- 534-798-936.
SERMONS, Proposed Abolition of, 262. Sheppard, Canon, and Peace Pledge, 886 Shipping in Time of War, 738. Shorthand Clerks, the Shortage of, 190-262.
Simon, Sir J., on the Popular Front, 534. Sinclair, Sir A., and the Fruits of Victory, 798.
" Sissy,' Banning of, 486.
Social Work, International Conference on, 6 ; Dr. Rene Sands's Success as Chairman, 86.
Spain, Personal Memories of, 406. Spanish Situation, Sir S. Cripps and the, 334.
Spectator : the Grammar of the, 298 ;
an Offer from Portugal to the, 798. Speech Therapists, the Society of, 190. TICKETS, Return, the Selling of, 738. Times Headlines, 622.
Tribune, the, 1028.
Tuberculosis and Cancer, the Incidence of, 622.
Two-Minutes Silence, Thrill of, 842. WEATHER: and Special Prayers, 190; Mr. Sydney Carroll and the, 226. Willingdon, Lord, and the Help of Prayers, 226.
Woolworth Bonus, the, 888 ; a Sugges- tion to Woolworths and others, 936. YEOMEN of the Guards and Beards, 6.
ANIMAL Preservation, 545.
Apple, the, of the Moment, 545.
Apple Largess, 853.
Aster, the Dwarf, 417.
Augustan Harvests, 272.
Australia : From Perth to Albany, 141 ; Preservers of Birds in, 200.
Autumn Colours, 853.
BARBERIES, the Best, 681.
Beetle Researches, 749.
Bird, a London, 1083.
Bird Table, a Swinging, 457.
Bird-Watchers' Home, the, 908.
Birds : Naturalised, 17 ; Young
" Blushes," 58 ; Healthy, 99 ; Garden, 99 ; Far-Flung Protection of, 200 ; and Buds, 272 ; Late Broods of, 309- 497 ; Roosting Attitudes, 545 ; Songs and Words of, 634 ; the Homing Sense, 681 ; Winter Visitors, 749 ; Stolen Homes, 853 ; Attracting and Repelling, 908 ; Feeding Dates, 991; 11n08.t3he Snow, 1039 ; Fog v. Instinct,
Boy Colonists, 141.
Bracken Eradicator, a, 237.
Buckinghamshire " Young " Farmers, 58 Bulbs, " Airiated," 345 Bunting Christmas Card, a, 749.
Butterflies : a Greater Tortoiseshell, 417 : a Tortoiseshell Year, 497.
Butterfly Lures, 584.
Butterfly Circulation, 749.
Butterfly Snowstorm, a, 853. ,
CATALPA : a Neglected Tree, 1039.
Citrous Paradise, a, 58 Climate, Our Maligned, 991.
Climbers as Shrubs, 237.
Coast, Preserving the, 584-749.
Colours, Native, 1083.
" Corn," What does it Mean ? 584.
County Consciousness, 810.
C.P.R.E., the, 1039.
Cuckoo, a Lazy, 309.
Cuckoos, Inartistic, 845.
DAHLIA, a Popular, 457.
Dishwasher, a Trusting, 380.
Dog; Inference of a, 17; Reason of a, 141. Dogs, Wage-earning, 947.
Dormouse, the Squirrel-tailed, 810. ' Dormice Evicted, 810. Dorset History, 99 Dumps, Clumped, 991.
Moo Balls, 947.
Egg-Collector's Care, an, 141.
Empire Farms, 141. English Ignorance, 457. Exotica, Superior, 17 FARM, an Intensive, 947.
Farming : Subsistence Production, 457. Farms, More Collective, 457.
Flnchley Finches, 1039.
Floral Tips, 380.
Flowers : Wild Garden, 99 ; Creating Colour, 380 ; Premature, 1083.
Forest Holdings, 200.
Frog's Enemy, the, 1039.
Fruit : and Factories, 345 ; Grading and Marking, 345.
Fruit Trees, Public, 991.
Fur Coats for Animals, 497.
GAME Neighbours, 58. Garden City Surveys, 810. Garden Theories, Three, 947. Gentian, an Asiatic, 417. Glass, Money in, 380. Gnats, Musical, 457.
Goose, an Endorsed, 908. Grouse, Long-Suffering, 99. Grouseward Migration, the, 272.
HACKNEYS and the Motor-car, 681.
" Happy Families," 908.
Harvest, a Bumper, 853.
Harvest Month, the, 237.
Hawk, an Urbane, 272.
Hay Fever, 17.
Heather, Which is ? 272.
Hibernation Time, 634.
Honey, Ingredients of, 309.
Honeyed Coincidence, a, 309.
Hoopoes, British, 17.
INTENSIVE Cultivation : the Secret of Health, 947.
Iris, a Marathon, 17. Ironing Petals, 810.
JACOB'S Sheep, 58. July Crops, 200.
LANE DISTRICT, Preservation in the, 417. Land Survey, a, 99. Lawn Technique, 497. Leicester Preservation Pioneers, 1039. Litter Crusade, the, 272.
MANURE : Steel, 457 ; a Garden, 853. Migrants : Attractive, 99 ; Marking,
309 ; Dilatory, 545 ; v. Homers, 681 ; Egyptian, 853.
Moor, a Ravaged, 380.
NEST, a Big, 17.
Nicholson, Mr., Ornithologist, 634.
OAKS and Oaks, 908.
October 17th, 634.
Oranges, Intensive, 681.
Orchards : Burdened, 345 ; the In- fluence of Grass, 545.
Owls, Healthy, 1039.
PARR, the Best, 584.
Partridge : a Wise, 99 ; the Most Parental Bird, 309.
Partridges, Parental, 200.
Pigeon : a Naval, 58 ; and Owl, 99L Pigeons : Homers v. Migrants, 681. Ponies British, 497 ; Western Breeds, 497.
Post, a Debt to the, 309.
RABBIT-PROOF Plants, 141. Roses as Shrubs, 58.
Rothamsted, Palestine and, 58.
SEABY, Mr., his Book on Ponies, 497
Seasonal Contrasts, 417.
Shire Horse, the Valuable, 681. Shrub, an Autumnal, 200. Smells, Taste in, 584.
Snake, a Dead, Who Took it ? 17.
Southport Flowers, 380.
Species, Increasing, 237.
Spider's Abettor, the, 853.
Squirrels, Flourishing, 947. Sunny Recovery, a, 309-345. Sunshine Contrasts, 237.
Swallows : and Aeroplanes, 584 ; Punc- tual, 1083.
TAR Sprays, 908.
Tree Worshippers, 991.
Trees : Local, 546 ; Coronation Clumps, 635 ; Transplanting, November or Match ? 947 ; Life Statistics, 991 ; a Clump Pattern, 991.
VILLAGE, the English, 1083.
WEASEL Procession, a, 141.
Weeds : and Litter, 272 ; Infectious, 545.
Wet Season Enemies, 345.
Winter : Hard, Will it be a ? 417 ; Songs of, 417. Winter Homes, 810. Witherby, Mr., his Sound Illustrations, 634.
Woodpecker a London Bird, 1089.
YESTERDAY, the Way to, 810.
MOTORING See Pages : 34, 214, 286, 358, 436, 520, 612, 659, 702, 830, 1016, 1100.
FINANCIAL SUPPLEMENTS (7'he Spectator, July 24th and October 23rd) HEALTH SUPPLEMENT (The Spectator, October 30th)
Printed in Great Britain by W. SPRAIGHT AND SONS, LTD., 93 and 99 Fetter Lane, London, E.C. 4, and published by THE SrzersToa, LTD., at their offices No. 99 Gower Street, London, W.C.1-Friday, January 22, 1937.