The July Periodicals -
MR. J. A. SPENDER, whose experience and moderation are known to all, deals frankly with " The Root of the Mischief " in the Contemporary. There is a new kind of fear hanging......
A Paladin Of Arabia
Current Literature By Major N. N. E. Bray Lieutenant-Colonel Leachman, the subject of this book (Unicorn Press, 12s. 6d.), was one of those men to whom the War gave great......
The Fortunes Of Harriette
By Angela Thirkell Written mainly to blackmail her former lovers, the Memoirs of Harriette Wilson turned out to be as light-hearted and vivid a picture of Regency society as has......
. Rough. Passage
By Commander R. D. Graham Rough Passage (Blackwood, 7s. 6d.) is Commander Graham's account of his recent voyage in the Emanuel ' from Fal- Mouth to Newfoundland, Labrador and......