3 JULY 1936, page 6

The Problem Of The Straits Though The Montreux Conference On

the Dardanelles has been suspended to allow some of the delegates to attend the League Assembly at Geneva, informal con- versations can be carried on as well at one end of the......

Mr. Duff Cooper's Speech Read In The Fullest Reports...

in English news- papers, the now notorious speech made by Mr. Duff Cooper at a dinner of the Association Franco-Grande Bretagne in Paris last week is by no means the irre-......

Italy And The World The Relation Of Italy To The

League and to international discussions generally remains problematic. The elaborately plausible memorandum which she placed before League delegates on Tuesday advances matters......

Civil Service And Strikes Mr. Neville Chamberlain,...

in the House of Commons on Tuesday, explained unam- biguously his attitude to the " stay-in " strike threatened by Civil Servants. The legal position did not interest him. Civil......

The Crisis In Palestine Ambushes, Bomb Outrages, Attacks...

patrols and on the railways continue in Palestine, and in the opinion of many competent observers worse is still to come. Perhaps the greatest danger is that the Arab leaders......

France And The War Industries President Lebrun On Friday...

the Bills approved by the French Cabinet, " for the nationa- lisation of the manufacture of war material." They provide for nationalisation by decree, but it is not expected......