3 JUNE 1899, Page 16


[To THE EISITOR OP THE 'SPECTATOR.1 Szu,—In your article in the Spectator of May 27th on "The Queen's Equanimity," you allude to an often repeated story of a saying of John Bright's regarding the Queen's truthful- ness of character. Perhaps I may give mY recollection of what he really said, as it is a higher testimony to the Queen than the usual version. Mr. Bright had not himself the opportunity of knowing the Queen intimately. He quoted with interest and pleasure some lady or gentleman of the. CoOrt, *hose poSition gave ample opportunity of real know- ledge, as having said to him that the Queen was the most truthful person he (or she) had ever known. It is, of course, many years since I heard the story first, but I think my recollection is correct.—I am, Sir, &c., H. P. B, C. •