The House Reassembled On Wednesday (the Derby Day) To...
Mr. Robson's Half-Timers Bill in Committee. This very important measure, which raises the age at which children can be partially exempted from school attendance from eleven to......
The Trial Of M. Deroulede Began In Paris On.monday, And
'ended on Wednesday in a verdict of "Not guilty," the jury spending twenty minutes in deliberating on the case. If France were : England, we should certainly regard this as a......
We Note With Intense Satisfaction The Statement Made In...
Times that Lord Londonderry has promised to preside at a meeting (to be held in one of the Committee- rooms of the House of Commons) next week to consider what steps shall be......
The Times Of Tuesday Quotes From The Johannesburg Star The
text of a despatch by Mr. Chamberlain, and the answer by Mr. Reitz, the Transvaal State Secretary,—the subject in dis- pute being the dynamite monopoly. Mr. Chamberlain asserts......
The Peace Conference Has Shown A Great Deal Of Activity
during the week. We deal elsewhere with the various pro- posals for arbitration and mediation that are being discussed, and will only say here that they were received and......
An Abstract Of The Report To Be Presented At The
annual meeting of the Suez Canal Company appeared in Monday's Times. From this it appears that the receipts for 1898— 87,906,000 francs—have exceeded those of any previous year,......
On Tuesday Sir Alfred Milner And President Kruger Arrived At
Bloemfontein, and on Wednesdaythe first meeting of the Conference took place for settlement of preliminaries. The proceedings are to be strictly private. Mr. Fischer, a Free......