First Steps In International Law. By Sir Sheraton Baker,...
(Began Paul, Trench, and Co. 12s.)—Sir Sheraton Baker delivered a little more than a year ago a lecture on the Rights of Belligerents and Neutrals," and suggested various......
An American Cruiser In The East. By John D. Ford.
(H. R. Allenson. 124.)—Mr. John D. Ford, who describes himself as "Fleet Engineer of the Pacific Station," left San Francisco for the Behring Sea in a United States cruiser. The......
History Up To Date, By William A. Johnston (h. R.
Allenson. 6s.), is a " Concise Account of the War of 1898 between the United States and Spain," a war which, according to the author, "found the United States of America a......
Modern England From The Reform Bill To The Present Time.
By Justin McCarthy, M.P. ('I'. Fisher Unwin. 5s.)—Readers who are acquainted with Mr. Justin McCarthy's " History of Our Own Tifues " do not need to be told what kind of a book......
The Prophecies Of The Brahan Seer. By Alexander...
Mackay, Stirling, N.B.)—The curious in the matter of prophecy and second-sight may read this book to advantage. The "Brahan Seer " was a certain " Coinneach Odhar " of Uig in......
The Hereford Earthquake Of December 17th, 1896. By...
Sc.D. (Cornish Bros., Birmingham. 10s. 6d.)—The " Here- ford Earthquake" took place at 5.30 a.m. on the day mentioned above. Mr. Davison, with an industry which is beyond all......
Ia:genie, Empress Of The French. By Clara Tschudi....
from the French by E. M. Cope. (Swan Sonnenschein and Co. 6s.)—We can honestly praise this book, but with the reserve that its appearance should have been postponed. . The very......
True Tales Of Trarel And Adventure. By Harry De Windt.
(Ghetto and Windus. Ss. 6d.)—Mr. de Windt knows how to tell a story. This is the only criticism which it is necessary to make on this volume, for of true stories—and the author......
Memories Of Half - A - Century. By Richard W. Hiley, D.d....
and Co. 15s.)—Dr. Hiley has written a volume of auto- biography. Probably there are at least a thousand clergymen who might have done the same, and with equal success This......