The Hereford Earthquake of December 17th, 1896. By Charles Davison,
Sc.D. (Cornish Bros., Birmingham. 10s. 6d.)—The " Here- ford Earthquake" took place at 5.30 a.m. on the day mentioned above. Mr. Davison, with an industry which is beyond all praise, has tabulated the results of many hundreds of observers. These came from every county of England and Wales, from Ireland, and from the Isle of Man, there being nearly two thousand places and nearly three thousand accounts, more than a fifth of these being furnished by the three counties chiefly affected, Herefordshire, Gloucestershire, and Worcestershire, the last mentioned also con- tributing one hundred and fourteen from the town of Birmingham only. The discussion of various cognate topics follows, and there is an interesting collection of Miscellaneous Phenomena."