3 MARCH 1928, Page 19


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sin,—On behalf of this Society, and at the direction of my Directors, I desire to express, as the Royal S.P.C.A. has already done, our very warm appreciation of the consistent help and sympathetic support of your paper. This assistance has been freely acknowledged by animal lovers throughout the country, but specially in Scotland, where the Spectator has taken no small part in urging the merits of mechanical stunning.

It is, moreover, specially gratifying that the Slaughter of Animals (Scotland) Bill, originally promoted by this Society, and so ably sponsored by_ Lieut.-Col. T. C. Russell Moore and Brig.-General Charteris, has, after full debate, secured second reading by a majority of no less than 118 votes to 11. I would urge all interested to peruse Hansard of February 17th, and I will be happy to send any of your readers a oopy of this Society's Eighty-eighth Annual Report, just published.—I am, Sir, &c.,

LYNDESAY G. LANGWILL, Secretary Scottish S.P-.C.A.