On • Tuesday Lord Haldane Brought About A Useful Debate
in the Upper House on the administrative changes lately announced 'by the War Office. His aim was to find out the expected results and to urge that they should be tested in......
The Army Estimates, As Published Last Week, Show A Reduction
from the current total of £41,565,000 to about £41,000,000. According to the White Paper issued on Saturday the Civil Estimates for 1928 are expected to fall from £231,000,000......
The Rest Of The Day Was Given Up To Supplementary
Estimates. The Secretary of State for Scotland explained that in his country National Health Insurance had cost more than had been expected ; part of the cost could be made up......
* * We Would Never Decry These "moral Values And
we appreciate the view of M. Politis expressed on Friday when the Finnish Delegate brought up a report on forms of arbitration. M. Politis said that these would have a......
* * * * On Tuesday The Dutch Delegate Pursued
the line of proclaiming the possibilities of security already available under the Covenant. The representative of Yugoslavia went further in asking for estimates of the......
In The House Of Commons On Thursday, February 24th, The
question was raised of compensation said to be due under the Treaty of 1921 to two Irish retired civil servants. Any deliberate injustice by a Government to a subject would stir......
* * * On Friday, February 24th, The House Gave
a second reading to Mr. Somerville's Empire Settlement Bill. This proposed a permanent Board of Administrators and the creation of training centres for a three-months intensive......
The House Of Commons Began The Discussion Of The Bill
promoted by the L.M.S. Railway Co. The Prime Minister had earlier stated the intention of the Government to pass the Road Traffic Bill and to investigate the whole subject of......