For The Moment The News From China Has A More
satisfactory appearance. Seventeen of the foreign Inspectors of the Salt Gabelle, including four British, have been reinstated in various widely distant posts. This should be a......
Many People Will Deeply Regret The Death Of Sir Albert
Gray. He was a useful and able public servant as Counsel to the Chairman of Committees in the House of Lords. He was also chairman of " Scapa " and a keen worker for the......
The Army Estimates, As Published Last Week, Show A Reduction
from the current total of £41,565,000 to about £41,000,000. According to the White Paper issued on Saturday the Civil Estimates for 1928 are expected to fall from £231,000,000......
The Civil Service Board Of Inquiry Appointed By The Prime
Minister to inquire into statements made in the case of Ironmonger v. Dyne affecting Civil Servants issued a long Report on Monday. They found that Mr. Gregory, Mr. O'Malley,......
Prince Lichnowsky, Who Died On Monday, Deserves, As Lord...
said in , generous tribute to him on Tuesday, our gratitude for his efforts to preserve the peace of Europe. After living on his estates in Silesia for several years in......
The By-election In The Ilford Division, Caused By The Death
of that popular and excellent member, Sir Fredric Wise, resulted last week as follows :— Sir George Hamilton (Con.) .. • • 18,269 Mr. A. S. Comyns Carr (Lib.) • • 13,621 Mr. C.......
* * * * France Has Been Active In Her
policy of trade agree- ments and treaties. Her Belgian Commercial Treaty is now signed. It brings in Luxembourg which, it will be remembered, left the German Zollverein after......
* * * * A General Election Took Place In
Japan last week and the results were known here on Saturday. The Minis- terial Party, on which Mr. Tanaka's Government relies, has a majority of seven over the Liberal......
Bank Rate, 41 Per Cent., Changed From 5 Per Cent.,
on April 21st, 1927. War Loan (5 per cent.) was on Wednesday 101# ; on Wednesday week 10141 ; a year ago 1011. Funding Loan (4 per cent.) was on Wednesday 834; on Wednesday week......