[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] S1R,—May I correct an error in Mr. Alfred Everson's most interesting letter on " H. H. Asquith as a Contributor to the Spectator" ? (P. 265, Spectator, February 25th.)
This city never had the honour of electing to Parliament Thomas Hughes, the creator of " Tom Brown." He was M.P. for Lambeth from 1865 to 1868, and for Frome from 1868 to 1874. In the last-named year he was nominated for Maryle- bone, but withdrew the day before the poll.
In 1882 he became County Court Judge (sitting at Birken- head and elsewhere, but not at Chester). He built a house (Called " Uffington," after his birthplace) in Chestei, and lived here till his death in 1896 at Brighton. He was a well-knoWn resident of Chester, and a Governor of the King's School.-:--I