[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sia,—Correspondence from the original
letter on " My Ideal School," and to my second letter stating that I had found the school, is still reaching me day by day, and I must say the type of correspondent is rather a tribute to the class of circulation of the Spectator.
A considerable number of the people who have written to me are evidently in the same position as I was until I found the desired school, and several have expressed the hope that the Spectator might possibly give some information on the whole question of the present type of education available in this country, and open its columns to a discussion as to whether this is actually meeting the needs of the present rising generation or not.—I am, Sir, &c.,
W. F. VicxEns. Gascoigne Street, Boar Lane, Leeds.
[We shall be quite ready to open our columns to a discussion of the question our correspondent raises.—En. Spectator.]