The Spanish Novelists : a Series of Tales from the Earliest Period to the Clow of the Seventeenth Century. Translated from the Originals, with Critical** Bio. • graphical Notices. By Thomas Roscoe, Editor of the Italian and German, No- velists, 8t.c. 3 vols. . Bentley. Geraldine Hamilton; or Self-Guidance : a Tale. 2 vole Bentley. - BIOGRAPHY, Memoir of the late Captain Peter Heywood, R.N.; with Extracts from his Diaries
' and Correspondence. By Edward Tag-art, London
NANXERs, The East India Sketch-Book; comprising an Account of the Present State of Society in Calcutta, Bombay, Sze. 2 vols Bentley.
Homes Abroad ; a Tale. By Harriet Martineau. (Illustrations of Political Econo. my, No. X.) Fox. 13arewr, The Botanical Miscellany, Part VIII.; containing Figures and Descriptions of such Plantsas recommend themselves by their Novelty, Rarity, or History, or by the uses to which they are applied in the Arts, in Medicine. and in Domestic Economy; to- gether with Occasional Botanical Notices and Information. By William Jackson Hooker, LL.D., F.R.A., and L.S., and Regius Professor of Botany in the University of Glasgow Murray.
Fire Minutes' Advice on the Care of the Teeth, and on the best Means of Preserving. Recovering, and, when lost, Restoring them ' Renshaw and Rush.