Be Canuniattrixt.
SUMMARY OF COMMISSARIAT NON-EFFECTIVE EXPENDITURE: Half-pay £43,107 Widows' Pensions 4,200. Compassionate Allowances 1,221 Superannuation anti Retired Allowances 6,608 Total......
Cljr Orbitatter.
THE expenditure for the Military Non-effective Service of the Ord- nance in 1817 was 242,742/. It now exhibits an increase of one- fifth. This fact alone is sufficient to prove......
CHELSEA. TEE vague mode in which the Votes for "Hospitals" are given, is frequently puzzling to novices in these matters. When a young finan- cier sees upwards of one million......
Nr Summary Of Naval Non-effective , Expenditure.
Voted for 18324. Pensions to Officers . ... 83,593 Half-pay £785,506 Pensions to the Widows and Relations of Officers slain, 12,828 drowned, 3:c 132.837 Pensions to Widows of......