be Canuniattrixt.
Compassionate Allowances 1,221 Superannuation anti Retired Allowances 6,608 Total Amount of Commissariat X 55;136'
Compared with the period we have taken as a standard, the Commis- sariat exhibits a very large increase. In 1817, the Half-pay, &e. was 33; it is now 55. That year is not, however, so correct a. test for this de- partment as for the others. The nunierous long and complicated ac-
counts which had to be arranged after a war of such duration, might have rendered it necessary to retain this branch of service on a full establishment for a longer period than the " Forces." It has been gene- rally understood that this service is not much affected by the Aristocracy,, the labour being comparatively great and the pay little. A glance at the rate of Half-pay in the first Table, would seem to show that what is termed a low remuneration under Govermnent would be deemed a high one elsewhere. As the Commissariat is a department of busi- ness and account, and its practice rattler qualifies a man for civil ser- vice, a very low rate of half- pay, or even a gratuity on dismissal, might suffice, unless he had been disabled in the service.
1 Commissary-General
4 Commissaries-General
12 Ditto - ditto.
3 Deputy Commissaries-General 56 Ditto ditto
4 Assistant Commissaries-General
66 Ditto ditto 73 Deputy Assistant Commissaries-General
Pate per Annum. at X -
716 533 346 267 173 133 89
Voted for 1535-3. Total. X 1,732 2,865 6,405 1,040 14,989 693 8,833' 6,550
919 Total Amount of half-pay..
- £43,107
£120 PENSIONS TO WIDOWS OF COMMISSARIAT 1 Widow of a Commissary-Geneml . . . at £120 11 Widows of Deputy Comtnissaries-General 70 770
7 Ditto ditto
60 420
25 Ditto of Assistant Commissaries-General
50 1,250 1 Ditto ditto .. . 40 40' 40 Ditto of Deputy Assistant Commissaries-General.. 40 1,600 85 Total Amount of Widows' Pensions
£4,200 COMMISSARIAT COMPASSIONATE ALLOWANCES, As specified in Estimate for 1831 £1,151 Deduct.
Allowance to 1 person, which has since ceased £10 10 Add, £1,141'
To George A. Toole, DeputyAssistant Commissary-
General's relation X 5
Anna Toole, ditto 5
Mary Toole, ditto Ernest Toole. ditto 5
E. W. Dance, Deputy Commissary•General 16
Caroline M. T. Dance, ditto 16
John Harmer, Deputy Assistant Commissary- General 14
Maria D. Planner, ditto
- 80 80 Increase since 1830
Total Amount of Compassionate Allowances
- X 1,221.
In Compassionate Allowances to individuals whose only claim is service, a very little of the public money is made to go a long way. The eight relations of two deceased Commissary Officers receive 80/. amongst them. Mrs. HARRIET ARBUTHNOT (whose claim, through her legitimate connexion, is that her husband has held lucrative offices all his life, and now receives a pension of 2,3000 gets 938/. 10s.
Voted for 1885,3.
Granted previous to the 31st December 1830
£6,801 Deduct Allowances to 5 persons deceased .......
393 Add
6,408 Allowances to 5 persons since granted.... 200 200 Decrease since 31st December 1830 , £193
Total Amount of Superannuation and Retired Allowances
.z 6,608