We May Now Proceed To Present Our Detailed Tables Of
Expenditure. The first in order is the Dead-weight charge ; which commences with the Debt, and, embracing the Civil List, Pensions, Military, Naval, and Civil Inefficiencies,......
Expend].'. Ure Fixed
BY PARLIAMENT. eibil CO. TnE Civil List is for the direct expenses of the Monarch, or. in the words of the Act, "for the support of his Majesty's Household, and of the honour......
General Account Of The Expenditure, 1831-2.
'un Expenditure for the current year may be calculated in round num- - tiers at upwards of fifty millions. Of this sum, rather more than eight- and-twenty millions are pledged......
Expenditure Incapable Of
REDUCTION. ermanent mat (Terminable Mat. RESPECTING the National Debt, much might be said, but there is little to be done, unless it be to consolidate the various funds which......