WE strongly recommend this work to all who wish to learn the exact state of society in our Indian Empire—all who wish to leant the chances of that life, the nature of the services exacted front officials, civil or military, and the value of the rewards received. The Sketch-Book fills up a gap left by MUNDY and SKINNER, and only attempted in sonze other books to which it is hardly worth referring. There is much real life in these Sketches: the writer has seen a great deal, and suffered, we apprehend, not a little. The two objects of amusement and instruction are well combined; and the whole execution of the work confirms an opinion we have often ex- pressed—that the quantity of talent of a literary kind now being developed in our Oriental countries, is very great, and reflects no small credit upon those who have had the selection of individuals, or the regulation of the circumstances that have called it forth.