A very important decision has just been come to by
the Chief Court c.f. Hesse Cassel. It seems tire the editor of the Volltablatt of Sehaum; 'burg had received an intimation from the Police, that he must apply to Covernment for a licenee before he could be permitted to continue -imblishing. He refused to comply with this notice; and the paper liras prohibited by the Magistrates of Schaumburg. On this he brought Vie action before the Chief Court, which pronounced the following
decree— •
"Considering that, according to the existing laws, the permission of the Government is not necessary to the publication of a journal (seeing sections 36 and 113 of the Con- stitution), the defendant, to whom a written copy of the complaint is to be communica- led,is hereby adjudged, on penalty of a fine of 50 dollars to the poor, immediately to re- soke the prohibition nom/Rained of, and to indemnify the plaintiff for all loss and alamage accruing from it, and likewise the payment of the costs ; and the 20th instant Is fixed as the date before which the defendant is to bring proof of his having executed this decree.
" Electoral Hessian Chief Tribunal, lenteln, October 5."
This is the first regular and effectual attempt to meet the impudent and brutish decree of the Frankfort Diet. We hope it will not be the last.