On Tuesday., Mr. James frill was admitted Scholar of New College. On Wednesday, the following degrees were conferred. Doctor in Divinity-Rev. W. Jackson, formerly Fellow of Queen's. • Masters of Arts-D. Vas-they, Fellow of .Brasenuese ; Rev. F. F. Beadon, Oriel. Bachelors of Arts-J. Niblett, Exeter; J. II. Murray, Worcester.
The Marquis of Granby ; the Viscount Melgaml ; the Hon. G. Murray, eldest son el Lord Glenlyon ; the Hon. Charles Maynard, eldest' son of Lord Maynard ; Lord Claud ; Lord John Beresford; the Hon. Orlando Forrester, and Sir John Nelthorpe, have been admitted, during the present term, members of Trinity College.