TEE vague mode in which the Votes for "Hospitals" are given, is frequently puzzling to novices in these matters. When a young finan- cier sees upwards of one million and a quarter granted for an hospital, his zeal boils over; and we recollect seeing a proposal to save in the management of Chelsea very considerably more than its actual cost. The following Summary exhibits the respective amounts for Manage- ment and In and Out Pensioners. The detailed account of the latter is a very full, clear, and pretty statement, which we have extracted from the Estimate with scarcely any alteration. It is much too good for the War Office ; and the credit of it, we suspect, is due to the Hospital. Considering the sum expended, we have, however, a full right to expect something to look at. Upwards of 26,000/. is a large sum of money to pay for the keeping of a mere debtor and creditor account, not certainly involving more entries than many banking ac- counts in London, whose establishments average, we believe, some 5,000/. a year.
Management 32.501 In-Pensioners 18,117 Oat-Pensioners 1,287,480 £1,338,098
Voted for 1332-S.
33 Established Clerks in the Secretary's Office . £6,070 30 Extra Clerks ia ditto, Messengers. Housekeeper, and contingent Salaries or the Governors aulLyther Officers of Chelsea. according to the expenses.. 3,780
Establishment 6,091
:35 Established Clerks in the Office of the Agent for Out-Pensioners 6,170 13 Extra Clerks; in ditto, Messengers, and contingent expenses .... 1,,60 Sub-Agents, Clerks, and contingent expnses 10,115 Allowances to Collectors of Excise* and Chiefeonstables of Pol ice, for paying Out-Pensioners at the rate of :W. per matt . X 3,350 Contingent expenses of ditto fur P ' ostage •c 170
13,635 Repairs of Chelsea Ilospital 1,900 Assessed Taxes 1,095
£39,501 1.450 11.700 1,617 1,600
80,927 OUTTENSMNERs OF CHELsEA lie*crrit, VIZ.
No. 1', Day. Per One nay.
3(11 Out-Pensioners at 41d 3.734 - 5 .--, 6 7 01
78 4 2 17,133 - 6 4:H 9 0 2,373 7 69 4 3 235 - 8
14.851 9 7 16 8 556 13 3 L252 10 52 3 4 1 11 0 011 12 llf 011 6 20.256 Is. 1,012 16 0 18,8-5* ... ..... Ic.t, een I N. awl 2s 1,930 13 6
1,672*- lit-loin 2s. and 3s. 181 2 10 176* from Militia I betw lt mil 14 9 11,1 1* - Yeomanry ) • " ' 9 -s ' Foci Day is £362 10 5},
Which for 365 Days amounts to £1,346,310 Annuities to Pelrate Gentlemen(?) of the late 1st and 24 Troops of
Horse Guards 170
Contingent Expenses for Trusses, Artificial Legs, &c. 1,000
Amount which tufty be required for Advances on account of f7ommuted Allowances to be granted to individuals in lieu of Pension. under the Act 1 William IV. c41 £35,000 Balanees• of the Commuted Allowances already granted, which may become payable in the course of the vear 35,000 Gratuities to he awarded, for meritorious conduct, to Soldiers discharged
pursuant to his Majesty's Warrant of the 14th Nov. 1299 1,000
Deduct .£ 1,418,480
Probable amount of unclaimed Pensions, and savings by
Casualties X 35,000 Probable saving In the rates of Pension-1- in consequence of the investigations into the service of the out-pensioners
from the disbanded regiments 1.000
Poundage on Out-Pensions 65,000 Appropriation of a portion of' the unclaimed Prize Money 30,000
X 1,237,480
KILMAINI1AM HOSPITAL. Voted for 1532-3. Salaries, Wages, and Allowances for the Civil and Military Officers
and Servants £325
Diet of Officers and Soldiers. 257 persons 4,160 Clothing for ditto, full mounting (allowing for a part included in a
former estimate)
Coals, Candles, and Lamps Tradesmen's and Artificers' Bills
Stationary and Printing
-Whitewashing and Painting the Hospital Bedding for Soldiers' Rooms For making Sewers Contingencies
Pensions to Three non-resident Military Officers
Deduct 12,453
Small sources of Revenue 49 9,950
539 INTENsroNEfts OF CHELSEA HoscrrAt.
Pay •
novisions according to Contract Clothing. ditto llous,ladd disbursements for Sieves, Vomit or, Coatingtwies and Extraordinaries
70,000 131,000 900 800 1,100 369 92 100 120 72 277 1,000 133