OtiOceRantoul tjfatr.torigbt. NEARLY the whole of the following items explain
themselves. Several of them are annually decreasing. Some few, perhaps, are not in strict- ness fixed by Parliament.
(Paid out of the Gross Revenue of the Customs in Great Britain.)
Compensations to Commissaries (in Scotland) under Act 4 George .£
IV. e.97 2,276 To certain Officers in Courts of Law (in Scotland), Compensations for Loss of Fees, 8te. under Acts 55 George III. c. 70, Sce. 7,145
(Paid out of Me Gross Revenue of the Excise in Great Britain. )
To the Lagan Company, as a Compensation for certain Duties of Excise for-. merly levied within the districts of the Lagan Canal, in Ireland
(Paid out of the Gross Revenue of Woods, Forests, and Land Revenue )
Ancient Pensions and Payments to Schools, Churches, Chapels, and other Foundations, and Payments charged on the Land Revenue under the de- nonrinat ion of "Perpetual Pensions" (No Pension has been granted since 1774.) Compensations upon the abolition of offices in the department of the Wardens,
Rangers, 8re. holding ancient offices in the Parks and Forests
(Annually Voted.)
Lecesne and Escoffery Compensation (probably terminated) Toulouse and Corsican Emigrants, St. Domingo Sufferers, Dutch Naval Offi- cers, and American Loyalists Paid by Vote £12,944 - Balance in hand 2,000 49,421 4,243 6,009 193 11,276 14,944 I Late Master Shipwright at Kingstown, Canada (1 Person) Convict Hulk Establishment (12 Persons) Persons formerly employed on the Roads. North Britain 15 Persons) Surveyors, Inspectors, and Stampmasters of Linen, Scotland (67 Persons)
(This last item is a specimen of the needless complexity with which public business is transacted. An annuity of 2.000/. is charged upon the gross revenue of Excise in Great Britain, pay- able to "the Trustees for Improving Fisheries and Manufae. tort's" in Scotland. The Trustees then pay this annuity to the Stamprnasters,&c., as far as it will go, and the remaining 1011. is made up by an Annual Vote).
Commissioners for Suppressing the Slave-Trade (as under) ;-
Year,' Service, Retired Age. Upwards of Salary. Allowance.
C. E. Lefroy, Commissary-Judge at Surinam 45 8 1,500 600 H. T. K ilbee, ditto at Havanna 44 8 1,850 750 H. Hayne, ditto at Rio de Janeiro 39 8 1,500 750 R. F. Jameson, Commissioner of Arbitration
at Havanna
(Paid out of Consolidated Fund.)
Compensations to Weighmasters of Butter in Ireland, for. Deficiency of Fees, per .krt 10 George IV., v.41 South Sea Company's Deficiency of Profits
S. Baker etal. Annuity (liferent ?) for Building Barracks in the Regent's Park
45 10 1,850 500 £150 787 158 2,101
2,600 3,591 9,533 5.400