In the King's Bench, yesterday, a rule for a criminal
information against the notorious General Darling was refused. The application was made on behalf of Mr. Stephen. The cause of the application was a pamphlet, circulated by General Darlinganion° s- the members of the House •of Commons in August last, in which Mr. Stephen was charged with granting a certificate of freedom to a female convict, knowing it to be false. Mr. Justice Park held, that the General's pamphlet could only be viewed as an allegation in reply to Mr. Stephen's charge against him, not as an original charge. The proper way, in such a case svas by indictment; it did not furnish grounds for the special remedy.
Yesterday, the Middlesex Magistrates quashed the conviction in the case of Blow, the King's coachman ; and thus settled the point that the King pays no toll. And, yesterday also, at Union Hall, Win.-bate, another King's coachman—or rather another coachman of the Ring— was fined 3/. for passing toll without paying !
Mr. Monck Mason surrendered at the Court of Bankrupts yester- day. There seemed some difficulty in proviwsb him a dealer; but it was sworn that he sold and received a profit from the books of the operas played in the theatre ; and this was held to be sufficient.