erttutibr Gobtruntrut.
TIIE majority of the offices exhibited in the following Table are, next to Diplomacy, considered as the strongholds of the Aristocracy-the places they delight to fill. Of the amount of the salaries, no account is given ; and this is generally a presumptive proof that they are not too low. The expense of nearly all these offices has increased con- siderably since 1797. - One item in this account calls, however, for more particular latent tion ; and that is the Government of Ireland. In stating the expense at 80,0001., we are probably very much below the mark, for we have no regular data to proceed upon. The whole of this charge might be got rid of; but the mere saving would be of trifling importance, compared with the benefits a steady and impartial system of government would confer upon Ireland.
19,120 Contingencies 4,240
Messengers' Bills 2,428
FOREIGN OFFICE, Salaries of the Secretary of State, the Under Secretaries of State, Clerks, and other Persons on the Establishment, charged upon the Fee Fund-
• The expense of salaries is different at each of the Infirmaries.
Voted for 1833-3.
Salaries of the Secretary of State, the Under Secretaries of' X X State, Clerks, and other Persons on the Establishment, charged upon the Fee Fund- Paid by Fee Fund £8,000 Paid by a Vote 11,120 21,516 Contingencies 9,128 Messengers 29,072
COLONIAL OFFICE. . 59,716 Salaries of the.Secretary of State, the Under Secretaries, Clerks, and other Persons on the Establishment, charged upon the Fee Fund-
Paid by Fee Fund £9,600 Paid by a Vote. 11,944 Contingencies Messengers These two items are Paid by a Vote 27,188 a Balance in hand Contingencies Messengers' Bills PRIVY SEAL.
Salary or the Lord l'rivy Seal LORD LIEUTENANT or IRELAND. Salary Other Expenses connected with the Civil Government of Ire- land and the Viceroy's Court, together with a variety of Mis- cellaneous charges (say) Secret Service Money ALIEN OFFICE.
1 Chief Clerk £324
1 Second Clerk 220 1 Third Clerk 100
3 Persons Allowances to Principal Officers of the Customs at the ports of London and Dover, with their Extra Bills- London Salary £200 Allowance for a Clerk 66 Dover Salary 100 Allowance for a Clerk 66 Extras at the above Ports 90
1 Messenger
House Rent Contingencies •
Voted for 1832-3.
Paid by Fee Fund X8,000 Paid by a Vote 13,516 21,514 2.840 2,804 £4,044 1,600 -- £5,644
PRIVY COUNCIL, AND OiMUYTTEE OF PRIVY Coarsen FOR TRADE. Salaries if tho Liao Pre.-ident of the Council, Vic,-President the Committee ■ if Privy Council the Trade, of thv Clerks ii the Council,the Under I lerks, and others upon the Es!ahlisionent of the Offices of l'rivy Council and Committee a Privy Coun- cil for Trade, chargeable upon the Fee Fund of those depart- ments- Paid by the Fee Fund, inclullin, a Balance in hand £6.432
Paid by a Vote 14,01)3 -- 20.435 3,600 201) 24,235
41.300 121,300 644 522 136 216 155 1,673 £261,900