the reader of the test by which we try the
approximate accuracy of our Grand Total in the Tabular View. The published Annual Accounts
of the payments during the past year vary from 52 to 53 millions; the 2,474 discharge of small arrears perhaps causing the difference. By a Re- 10,651 turn made up at the Treasury in obedience to an order of the House of 8.191 4,767 Commons, the amount is fixed at 521- millions ; and as a saving of up- wards of two millions is stated to have been effected by Ministers in 1,163 the expenditure of the present year, the deficiency of from 200,000/. to 1,690 300,000/. is perhaps not greater than might have been anticipated, in an 5,000 account of such magnitude, beset by such difficulties, and presented, we believe, for the first time, under the present classification, or at aq .151:412000 thing like its present detail. .