3 NOVEMBER 1832, Page 8

Various rumours are afloat in the legal circles respecting the

changes that are likely to take place in the event of the retirement of Lord Tenterden ; who, it is understood, labours under severe indisposition.

Sir Thomas Denman, the present Attorney-General, is mentioned as likely to be promoted to the Chief .Justiceship of the King's. Bench, and that he will be succeeded as • Attorney-General by Sir William Home. The salary of Lord Chief Justice of England is 10,000/. per annum ; the office of Attorney-General is supposed to produce about 8,000/. a year ; from all patents he receives largely.—Moraing Herald.

Lord Warren de Tabley attained to his majority on Sunday.

Lady William Russell and family embarked from Plymouth on Fri- day; in the Britannia, one hundred and twenty, for Lisbon, to join Lord Russell..

Mr. Jeremie has arrived in town from the Mauritius, With des- patches from Sir C. Colville.

The mental powers of Mr. Galt are as perfect as they ever were, and his general health is every day improving. He was in his garden yesterday for some time.—Globe.

Charles the Tenth and his household establishment, consisting, it is said, of one hundred and sixty persons, was expected to arrive at Prague on the 27th. The Dutchess of Angouleme and her niece left Vienna on the 25th, to go to Prague.

The Royal George and Soho steamers, the former with three hun- dred, the latter with four hundred and fifty recruits, for Don Pedro, sailed from Falmouth, on Friday last week, for Oporto.

During the late engagement between the fleets of Admiral Sartorius and Don Miguel, the Portuense, of twenty-four gong, was opposed to the Don Joao, the largest vessel in Don Miguel's.fleet, yard-arm and

yard-arm' for two hours. She was mostly manned by British seamen, and the bold little crew fired no less than one hundred and eighty

broadsides into her formidable opponent ; until, all their shot and powder being expended, they very reluctantly hauled offi although many of her gallant fellows had armed themselves with their boarding-pikes

for the purpose of boarding ; but were restrained by the Captain, who had his speaking-trumpet blown from his hand, but escaped unhurt. The above is authentic, and may be relied upon as correct.—Correspon- dent of the Globe.

The following is' the Tory or Morning Post account of the murder of Lord William Russell's servant by Miguel's Police.

" In the night of the 14th instant, a police patrol, about half-past nine at night, going their rounds, found a man seated under the shadow of a hanging

lamp, at a short distance from the main entrance of the dwellings belonging to

Jose Ferreira Pinto ; and the corporal having asked him in the name of the King who he was, he answered hi an insolent manner ; when the police, jut- ing that he was a thief, or some suspicious person, wished to search him ; but on this occasion it Was that the individual in question rushed on the corporal, trying to wrest his gun from him. Whilst the two were struggling, the cor- poral's bayonet fell to the ground ; which the man endeavoured to seize, and he would have gained his end ifone of the soldiers had not picked it up. Seeing that he was frustrated in his design, lie again fell upon the corporal ; who fired .upon him face to face ; the consequence of which was, that he feil back dead, al- most within the doorway above mentioned."

It is evident there were more than two persons in this patrol, from the very wording of the paragraph ; probably there were six or seven. And these villains would coolly endeavour to persuade us, that, with any provocation, much more without any, an unarmed man would seri- ously attack the whole party ; and an English journal would insinuate a defence of a foul and infamous murder on such evidence ! And this solely because the man who was murdered happened to be connected with an English nobleman !

The fifth class of the French Institute, which was suppressed by Napo16on, has been • restored under the title of " Academia des

Sciences Morales et Politiques." It will consist of thirty members. These thirty members will form five sections of six members each, viz.—Philosophy, Moral Science, Legislation and Jurisprudence, Po- _litical Economy and Statistics, and General and Philosophical His- tory. Prince Talleyrand, Marquis .de Pastoret, Counts Sicycs, Rcederer, Reinhardt, Merlin de Cessat, and Gantt, Baron Dacier, and M. Daimon, together with Count Destutt- Tracy and Baron de Gerando (corresponding members), are the only surviving members of the dis- solved Academy; these twelve are to select four others from the other branches of the Institute and the sixteen are to elect fourteen new members to complete the thirty.