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The present Number of the S'pectator is acompanied by an elaborate Supplement, of equal size, embracing all the Alepartmerits of the Punue.'EXPESDITURE. To pre- vent misunderstandings with the Newsmen, we may repeat what we mentioned last week, that although every purchaser of the Paper, en tile dal' of publication, is entitIod to the SuppleMent gratis, these who apply afterwards must pure/tr.:ie. the Supplement by itself ((lie price is is. each copy), there being no collies or the Paper- of the -Week printed for future sale—thanks to Lord Atinonr's Newspaper-tax We are sorry to say, that the series of papers Which our admirable correspondent at Paris proposed to write on Burial-grounds, is now finished.. The last Of the series ' appears to-day : rather than injure, by dividing this noble' essay, we hive allowed
it to encroach on the space usually devoted to Books.