3 OCTOBER 1846, Page 12


• STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. The fluctuations of the English Funds have not been extensive. The general

tendency of the market has, however, been downwards. Among the causes of de- pression may be noticed the uncertainty as to the course to be adopted by our Go- vernment with respect to the marriage of the Duke of Montpensier, and the alarm- ing state of Ireland. At one period the price had fallen per cent below the quo- tations of last week; but the closing quotations of today only mark a decline of 4. Money is in demand on the security of English stocks, at between 2 and 8 per cent; and in the present torpor of business we cannot expect any movement of importance in either the English or Foreign Funds. Business in the Foreign House has been, if possible, on a smaller scale than in the Government Funds; no transactions worthy of record having occurred in any of the current varieties of Foreign Bonds. The arrival of intelligence from Mexico and Spain has occasionally drawn public attention to the Stocks of the two Governments; but the impulse communicated to the market of either, has been but momentary, and the prices of both descriptions are nearly the same as last week. The dividend upon Portuguese Stock was advertised in due course yesterday ; but this circumstance has not cansed any movement in the Bonds.

The Railway Shares are generally in the same neglected state as they have been for some time- Those of the Blackwell have, however, been the objects of speculation, in consequence of the promulgation of a scheme for effecting a junc- tion between the Birmingham Railway and the Thames, by means of the existing Blackwell line: the shares have been at an improvement of about 11. upon our last quotations; but have fallen leek about half the advance.


We cannot notice any change either in the English or Foreign Funds, the ge- neral character of the market being the same. The following an the only trans- actions occurring in Railway Shares: Leeds and Bradford, 744; Blackwell, 94; Ditto, New, 54; North British, Fifths, 51; North Staffordshire, 24 le premium; Great Western of Bengal, Oi. SATURDAY, Two O'CI•ocit. No change or business worthy notice has occurred either in the English or Foreign Funds; the closing quotations of all being the same as in the the morn- ing. The Railway Shares are still depressed. The North British have declined to 814 per Share, bat close at an improvement; being last quoted at 324. This decline is owing to some accident having occurred to the works, by which three bridges have been thrown down or damaged. The following list of bargains oc- curring today indicates a decline in almost every instance. Ambergate, Notts, and Boston, 24; Bristol and Exeter, 845; Chester and Holyhead, 234; Eastern Counties 214 i; Ditto, New, 64; Edinburgh and Glasgow, Half-shares, 184; Hull and Selby, Half-shares, 504; London and North-western, 1994 198; London and Brighton, 594 4 84 4; London and Blackwell, 944; South-eastern and Do- ver, 384 4; Ditto, New, No. 4, 2i 3 24; Dutch-Rhenish, 44.

3 per Cent Consols 951 4 Danish 3 per Cents • • • ex div. 86 8

Ditto for Account 954 i Dutch 21 per Cents 591

3 per Cent Reduced shut Ditto 4 per Cents. ...ex div. 924 3

31 per Cents shut Mexican 5 per Cents 1846... 241 52

Long Annuities shut New Grenada 201 11

Bank Stock shut Portuguese New 5p. Cts. 1841 402

Exchequer Bills mom. 15 18 Ditto 4 per Cents 1845 40 2

India Stock 260 Russ:an 5 per Cents III 112

Brazilian 5 per Cents 851 74 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents 26 4 Belgian 44 per Cents 97 8 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 37/ 4

Chilian 6 per Cents - - ex dIv. 97 9 Venezuela 41 3 Columbian es. Venezuela • • • 15 16