By Lieutenant Waghom's Extraordinary Express, Via...
received from Bombay to the 27th August. The news is not important. The Punjaub was still disordered,—the Lahore Government tottering with feebleness, Gholab Singh embarrassed......
From A Source Deserving Of Credit We Learn That Prussia
has proposed a considerable increase in the duties on yarn ' as a compromise to the mem- bers of the Zollverein, who are clamorous for protecting duties. The duty on......
Lest Night's Gazette Notifies The Appointment Of The Earl Of
Morley as a Lord-in-Waiting, in the room of Lord Glenlyon, resigned. It contains the following announcement- " The Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty having reason to believe......
The Theatres.
This week presents a marked contrast to the last with respect to thea- trical matters. Then we had not even a pretext for the head " Theatres"; now there is that bustle which......
Money Market.
• STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. The fluctuations of the English Funds have not been extensive. The general tendency of the market has, however, been downwards. Among the......