France Also Has Its Dearth And Its Violences. Bread Is
con- tinually rising, and the people suffer more and more, with small prospect of alleviation in the winter. The efforts to provide for the indigent appear, to the English view......
The Accounts We Continue To Receive From Rome Are Of
a tensor 5o uniformly pleasing, that they begin to excite an unwonted sort of anxiety. AR seems "too good to last." The enthusiastic loyalty that now animates the Roman people......
News Of The Week.
ME tumult in Ireland increases. Some parts are in a state of permanent riot, and the first blood has been shed. Notwith- standing the laudable spirit that has been observed, the......
The Interest Of The Montpensier Marriage Dispute Begins...
row with the approach of the catastrophe. flic Due de Mont- pensier has actually left Paris, and by this time must lie almost married ; a practical fact which throws a nugatory......