3 OCTOBER 1846, Page 2

grbf grOttti- Tim Queen held a Privy Council, at Windsor,

on Saturday. It was at- tended by Prince Albert and the Ministers who are in town. The Arch- bishop of Canterbury was directed to prepare a form of prayer for the relief of the present distress. The subsequent movements of the Court afford nothing worthy of note. • Lord John Russell, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Lord Robert Gros- venor, Lord Morpeth, and Sir Robert and Lady Peel, have been staying as visiters at the Castle.

The Queen Dowager, accompanied by the Princess of Prussia, returned to town from Windsor on Tuesday; on Wednesday, they inspected Buck- ingham Palace, and the Wellington Statue; and afterwards visited West- minster Abbey. On Thursday, the Princess of Prussia embarked at Woolwich, in the Black Eagle, on her return to the Continent.