3 SEPTEMBER 1898, Page 2

A most distressing accident occurred this day week in the

Val d'Herens, by which Dr. John Hopkinson, the dis- tinguished electrician, one of his sons, and two daughters all lost their lives while making the ascent of the Dent de Veisivi. The party were without guides, but in view of Dr. Hopkinson's skill and experience as a elimber, and the fact that he had ascended the mountain—which is described as not being of particular difficulty—twice previously, it is gratuitous to enter into any discussion of responsibility, or to attempt any explanation of the accident, none of the party

baring earvived. Deep sympathy is felt for the widow and relatives of Dr. Hopkinson, who had crowned a brilliant academical course—he was Senior Wrangler just thirty years ago—by a career of the greatest distinction and success as a, man of science. His death adds another name to the long roll of eminent men— it may suffice to mention Mr. F. M. Balfour, Professor Milnes Marshall, and Mr. IsTettleship—whom the fascination of mountaineering led to an untimely end.