Later Reliques Of Old London. Lithographed By T. R. Way.
Described by H. B. Wheatley. (G. Bell and Sons. 21s. net.)— This is a continuation of a good piece of work, Reliques of Old+ London, which appeared in 1896. Mr. Way has......
Current Literature. •
Ballads and Poems. By the Members of the Glasgow Ballad Club- (William Blackwood and Sons. 7s. 6d.)—In 1876 a number of men in Glasgow, united by sympathy for poetry, and......
Gloria Victis. By J. A. Mitchell. (d. Nutt.)—what Is Likely,
1 there be any truth in heredity, to happen to a child if both father and mother are absolutely destitute of all sense of morals ? Curiously enough, Stephen Wordsworth is better......
The Magazines.
MB Nineteenth Century has no very striking article, but "Endymion," the poem by Mr. Phillips with which the number opens, is one of which, in its sad melodiousness, Keats would......
Forbidden By Law. By Major Arthur Griffiths. (jerrold And...
is a story, told by a competent narrator, of what we may call the "new smuggling." It differs from what we have been accustomed to in the pages of Mr. G. P. R. James and others:......
The Story Of Hawaii. By Jean A. Owen (mrs. Visger).
(Harper and Brothers.)—Mrs. Visger, who deserves well of the reading public for having introduced to it the writings of " A. Son of the Marshes," gives a summary of the history......
A Flower - Hunter In Queensland And New Zealand. By Mrs....
(John Murray. 14s.)—This volume consists of letters written from North Queensland during a winter spent in that splendid climate, and from New Zealand. The title is rather......