3 SEPTEMBER 1898, Page 24

Later Reliques of Old London. Lithographed by T. R. Way.

Described by H. B. Wheatley. (G. Bell and Sons. 21s. net.)— This is a continuation of a good piece of work, Reliques of Old+ London, which appeared in 1896. Mr. Way has somewhat- enlarged his original idea, which was to give buildings that were earlier than the Fire. No one will complain. It would, indeed, have been a pity if the volume had not contained the fine Hall of the Bluecoat School. It is barely seventy years old, but then it is about to disappear. The Bluecoat School, West- minster, and the more famous Westminster School itself are included in the volume. Among the other drawings are Field. Court, Gray's Inn, St. John's Gate, Clerkenwell, and the Trinity Almshouses, in the Mile End Road, themselves not long since rescued from threatened destruction.