The Unveiling Of The National Monument To The Czar
Alexander II.—the " Czar Liberator "—in the Kremlin at Moscow, where he was born, took place on Sunday last with the barbaric pageantry which makes all Russian state ceremonials......
A. Facsimile Of The Recently Discovered Poem By Sappho,...
by Messrs. Grenfell and Hunt in a mass of papyri found near Alexandria, was published in last Saturday's Daily Mail. The fragment, which is in the Sapphic metre and in the......
The Opening Sitting Of The Zionist Congress, Which Has Been
held at Basle and was attended by some three hundred and fifty delegates, male and female, was enlivened by a trenchant speech from Dr. Max Nordau on "The General Situation of......
Reports From Berlin Show How Serious Are The Germa Emperor's
preparations for his tour in Palestine. He has, it. is said, permitted not less than two hundred pastors of the Lutheran Church to join him in his pilgrimage, and we shall......
A Most Distressing Accident Occurred This Day Week In The
Val d'Herens, by which Dr. John Hopkinson, the dis- tinguished electrician, one of his sons, and two daughters all lost their lives while making the ascent of the Dent de......
We Record With Great Satisfaction That The Strike Of Welsh
,-,olliers has come to an end, after lasting some six months and costing, it is said, some six millions. The masters' terms have been in effect accepted, and these include an......
The Bishop Of Winchester, Writing In Monday's Times, Makes A
very important contribution to another side of the problem. He points out that even if the Act is strictly interpreted, it only applies to alterations in the regular services,......
The Very Interesting And Fall Correspondence In The Times On
the subject of the Acts of Uniformity is making it abundantly clear that the Archbishop of Canterbury was perfectly right when he declared that extra and new services are not......
Bank Rate, 21 Per Cent.
New Consols (24) were on Friday, 110.......