Arrived—Off Margate. April 2.1, Y the. Dmyner, from China. Oil Peal, 21, Alex Roing. St. Croix, from China. At Portsmouth, 1st, Henry Wellesley, Johtl:,011. front Ceylon. At Bristol, March 29th, Margaret, Warren. front Mauritiins. In t he Cly de, 30th, Elora, Blair, front Bombay. At St. Helena, February 2,1 Tanca-d. V. itlismn; 5th, Westoe. Pearce ; and Permi, Harris, from Mauritius ; 6th. Lord Hobart, Harring- ton, from the Cape ; 12th, Gilmour, Lindsay. front Bombay ; Richard. Bell, ‘Vardle,, from Manila and Jane Graham. —, from Singapore ; 13th. Berwickshire. '1 !marts front China; Princess Charlotte, Kirby. front Bombay ; and Hereford, Neer, front Mauritius. At Calcutta, Dec. 25th, Bland, Cullen; Golden Fleece, Greeves; and Albion. M'Leod; from Liverpool. At China, Dec. 3d, Orwell, Dalrymple; and 5th Anna Robertson, Nairn, from London. Sailed—From Gravesend, March 28th, Bussorah Merchant, Moncrief; fur Bengal ; and Courier. Palmer. for the Cape; and April 1st, Euphrates. Beckham, fur Bombay. From the Clyde. March 250, Indus, BPFarlane, for Bengal.